Originally posted by street bully
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is it real that mosley was bleeding from the ear in the cotto fight?
Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View PostYou are a ****ing idiot dude!!!!!
Clotttey Got beat by Cotto. get over it!!!!!!!
Stop the hate dude!!!!!!!
Clottey didn't even look like he had been in a fight..LOL
Clottey won that fight.
Originally posted by SigmaMu View PostMosley took a good beating. Mosley is tough. The Mosleys, the Clotteys, The Urkals, The Margaritos, the Andrades are fighters who are just hard to put dents in. Although, I have never seen Mosleys face this puffy in some time. Margarito also suffered some facial damage at the fists of Cotto. Clottey? He is another Urkal and I doubt you can seen any bruising on a man with such dark complexion.
Shows how much you know.
Shane walked thru Cotto's overrated shots and had him running like a scalded jackrabbit.
Shane is the man that turned Cotto into a sprinter.