I have no idea. Cotto had a bloody nose, mouth and eye though. I really did not see Mosley bleed, but a ruptured ear drum is not out of the realm of possibility.
I have no idea. Cotto had a bloody nose, mouth and eye though. I really did not see Mosley bleed, but a ruptured ear drum is not out of the realm of possibility.
I have no idea. Cotto had a bloody nose, mouth and eye though. I really did not see Mosley bleed, but a ruptured ear drum is not out of the realm of possibility.
People convientley forget that. And Cotto's cut from the Judah fight reopened, and the blood from the eye was from a headbutt in the 12th...completely irrelevant. I'm gonna look for a video of Mosley getting the blood out of his ear.