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Manny Pacquiao Calls Off US Trip, Faces Media Backlash

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    Originally posted by El Jesus View Post
    There are also consequences when you dont be where you are supposed to be by people honoring you. In sports this is a huge deal, i can understand musicians and actors, but in sports, this is a no no, no matter what hes in it for, the moment you accept sponsers, you are a face to that sponsership, in this case hes being honored, when you snub those people, they tend to pay you back on that front, its really in his best interest to go.
    Regardless, he can't please everyone. As long as he's pleasing himself, his family, his people & fans I have no issues with this at all. It's being blown out of proportion imo.


      Does Manny love boxing?

      Is he humbled and honored by the FOTY award?

      The answer is yes...right?

      So maybe there is a pretty good reason why Manny can't go to the US, he has plans to go then canceled it... it's not like not making a plan to go at all.

      Media obligations or Family obligations?

      Haven't Manny sacrificed enough family time over boxing? How many times did he missed his children's birthday, wife's birthday, Christmas celebration, New year... and you all know the rest... missed it all because of boxing.

      Manny made too many sacrifices in his life as early as childhood...
      missed going to school because he needs to help his mother feed their family. Does anyone here actually knows how it feels like to see other kids go to school while you're on the streets selling bread?...bread that Manny can't even afford for him to eat.

      The Fighters built the boxing sport,... not the other way around.


        My take on the issue is that Manny has a responsibility to be an ambassador to the sport. He can't have it two ways, accepting the cash, the exposure and the fame and then not appear when necessary.

        These sponsors pay and pay dearly for Manny and other sportsmen. Not only is it his responsibility to boxing, but to his 'bosses'. Sponsors expect the sponsoree to show up and do their due diligence. Its like Michael Jordan snubbing an MVP award presentation. Its just poor form.

        This isn't on the level of ******ity as displayed by the Pittsburgh Steeler Linebacker who snubbed the President of the USA, but its creeping up there and I hope it doesn't become a trend.

        He's the man in the sport and he needs to do his part to get the fights he wants.


          Originally posted by Puntoyhauf View Post
          Does Manny love boxing?

          Is he humbled and honored by the FOTY award?

          The answer is yes...right?

          So maybe there is a pretty good reason why Manny can't go to the US, he has plans to go then canceled it... it's not like not making a plan to go at all.

          Media obligations or Family obligations?

          Haven't Manny sacrificed enough family time over boxing? How many times did he missed his children's birthday, wife's birthday, Christmas celebration, New year... and you all know the rest... missed it all because of boxing.

          Manny made too many sacrifices in his life as early as childhood...
          missed going to school because he needs to help his mother feed their family. Does anyone here actually knows how it feels like to see other kids go to school while you're on the streets selling bread?...bread that Manny can't even afford for him to eat.

          The Fighters built the boxing sport,... not the other way around.
          It works both ways my friend. They both help eachother out. Manny does what he needs to do in the ring and the sport in turn makes him a very rich and powerful man. If he is capable of reaping the rewards that come with the sport, then he is capable of giving back and accepting the award. The media in the US turned Pacquaio into an obscure midget filipino dude into the rockstar he is today. Sure he's a god in the Philipines...but fighting strictly in the Phillipines wouldn't net him life's luxuries that he currently enjoys. That all came from the US. The boxing sport encompasses fans/media/sponsors/fighters alike.


            Originally posted by Sin City View Post
            Pacquiao hyping up a fight by not hyping himself up? that makes no sense..
            & CBS (a main cable network) coverage would be great for Pacquiao.
            People who normally don't watch boxing will be watching.
            He can't miss this ****.. It'll come back to bite him in the butt when he is trying to get something from the boxing writers he turned his back on too.
            This is not a ****y reply so don't take it as an attack/insult...

            What would Pacquiao possibly need from boxing writers?


              i don't balme him, get your rest manny, enjoy your family. In the grand scheme of things who cares about some meaningless tournament or awards show. You have already got your accolades in the ring...take a break and try get some more accolades in the ring


                Is this guy dum or what ???

                What an idiot!!! This guys beat a worn out DeLahoya and an overrated Ricky Hatton and now he thinks he's God all of the sudden. His ego is getting the best of him. Watch him go broke 10 years from now and no one giving a ****... Can't wait till Cotto or Mosley kicks his little yellow ass !!! LOL


                  it would be great to see him go, but if something more important came up and he didnt commit to anything, then he owes them nothing. if he made commitments, then he SHOULD go.

                  pac really wont care if he gets backlash from the US media, he's god in his own country. as long as he does what he does best in the ring, he's ok by me.


                    Originally posted by sandyvahra View Post
                    Pacquiao is a god in his country. Pacquiao is adored by his people worldwide. He is a global icon. Do you really think that he cares for the media attention in the US? For what? A few more buys for a few more dollars, which pale to what he makes through sponsors and his business ventures? Please just look at the big picture, he doesn't need or care for it. He's earned the right to go where he wants?

                    Unlike most fighters he isn't in it for just the money & fame. He's in it for his country, for his people. He's a symbol of hope, no amount of money can buy you that kind of accalation.
                    ''its my job you know''

                    sure sounds like he is doing for hope and his country.


                      Originally posted by RingDynasty View Post
                      I agree. He HAS to go. I mean it is the recognition of all your hard work. Well... looks like its all downhill from here guys... sad to say he probably loses which ever fight he takes next against the odds of Mayweather, Cotto, or Mosley... I don't see how he can even compete with those three. But since its Pac I will always watch no matter who he is up against..

                      I think its due to the fact that Pacquiao wants Mayweather and Arum seems to want to give him Cotto.

                      I think he feels Cotto is a bigger challenge.

