Originally posted by HandSpeed303
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DO you get my point now???
And yes i do agree wit u when you say that alot of fans started looking for Excuses as the OLD excuse about STEROIDS, when i heard that (which was all over everyone's mouth) i went online and searched to see any type of news, stayed up to try and watch all spanish news and sportscenter. When i saw nothing i knew they were just talkin shht so i just left it as it was a clean fight, i was upset because of the loss but didnt say anything of it, UNTIL i saw the Mosley fight and the commentators talkin about it AND NOT only that but the way he lost AGAINST MOSLEY, he did nothing in the fight, with that right there gives it more than just su****ion on his previous fights. Margarito starts off slow and finishes strong, but wit the Mosley fight he never got better, he got worse by the rounds. Thats where I come and say that there is more than enough posibility obviously wise that he must have cheated NOT only in that fight, its pretty questionable to why only cheat ONE TIME AND GET CAUGHT, it doesnt happen often.