look you tool. watch football matches or kabbadi as you may play. scottish boo, welsh boo, french, all eastern block countries. in fact most countries boo. just becasue it's the first time it's probably been done as a boxing match and you jump on the band waggon you seriously need to give your head a good shake. i was there for the fight and nobody around me were booing, a minority of numbskulls.
brits just happened to be the ones to buck the trend
wow.. obviously this dood has no sense of pride for his country. i doubt he knows anybody that has died for the flag or is serving his country at the moment.
it's all good. we still serve and risk our lives for ****s like you so you can have the right to type freely in this forum. lol
look buddy i dont want to get political but you did it first....i think anybody that served in iraq to "defend" my freedom is f'n murderer....those poor people posed no threat to me or my family....i hate people that hide behind that uniform and flag.