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will the classy brits boo the anthem again

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    Originally posted by J.B.moneY. View Post
    first gulf war was justifiable...and we could have supported the kurds in 1991 to over throw saddam and what do we do, we back out, because george h had enough sense not to go to baghdad....then flash forward during clinton saddam was contained and was no threat...then bush and hes crew look for an excuse to invad iraq....lied about the wmd's....lied about that we would be greeted as liberators, lied that we would be spreading "freedom" to people scaring them through a barrel of a gun.....

    and there was way worse dictators in the world then saddam....the puss bag bush backs down to n. korea....backs down to iran.
    you don't know wtf you're talking about. your ignorance knows no bounds.


      Originally posted by cuzfozzy View Post
      they should ban nationa anthems altogether !
      that should take care of it !!

      remember where u heard it first
      cuzfozzy you and me agree here....ONE WORLD! ONE VOICE!


        Originally posted by supcuhz211 View Post
        you don't know wtf you're talking about. your ignorance knows no bounds.
        i think ignorance causes wars


          hi^5 to JB MONEY

          Peace !


            Originally posted by 2-smooth View Post
            a brit is the equivalent of taking a 5 year old to an expensive restaurant they are immature and cant behave
            Haha, what an R-Tard!


              What do you expect when the only people who come over to watch the fight are a bunch of drunken morons who just want to drink and party.


                Originally posted by J.B.moneY. View Post
                i think ignorance causes wars
                exactly.. you can thank the ****** extremists for that.


                  National anthems played/sang to respect and to give the honor the countries where the boxers came from, and of course for the US for hosting the fight. Anybody who booed any national anthem has no breeding and definitely has no education...

                  Saying you don't care is a fail answer... Booing is racism because it's like degrading your race and your country... But if someone beside me booes my national anthem I will let him show his ignorance and disrespect..

                  Boo the boxer, not the national anthem...


                    The Brits shouldn't of booed the American anthem at the Hatton/Mayweather fight, but to be honest it's just a friendly sporting rivalry thing, which happens at pretty much every European Football match, everyone boo's everyone elses anthem. Plus most Hatton fans watch a hell of a lot more Football than they do Boxing, in fact most only ever watch Boxing if it's a Hatton fight, so I think they just got a bit confused. I think some Americans are a bit too sensitive about the matter, it's just a bit of banter, the Brits would have laughed if you would have booed our anthem.

                    I wouldn't myself ever boo someone elses national anthem, however at the moment I'm definately gonna boo this thread.


                      Originally posted by J.B.moneY. View Post
                      cuzfozzy you and me agree here....ONE WORLD! ONE VOICE!

                      just ban the brits their the only ones that boo

