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Margarito beat Cotto fair and square

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    Originally posted by Pullcounter View Post
    where is your proof that margo cheated againt cotto???

    sorry, its not common sense, its called jumping to conclusions without any evidence
    i dont even wanna get started again I just finished with chicano


      Originally posted by Pullcounter View Post
      where is your proof that margo cheated againt cotto???

      sorry, its not common sense, its called jumping to conclusions without any evidence
      exactly, these jotto fans have no evidence, if cotto had beaten margarito they would of ignored this whole ****.


        Originally posted by Deja_Vous View Post
        The reason Tony won is because Cotto can't hurt him.
        Sorry, that aint the reason. Ill give you a hint-Paris-


          Originally posted by El Dominicano View Post
          So he might have not used them against Paul but did so against Cotto? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds...put it like this, as a Punisher fan, I never accused Margarito of using it against Paul because it can't be proven.

          I believe he cheated against Cotto and we even had a vote poll, it was a landslide, almost everyone believed Margarito cheated against Cotto but it means nothing. People should move on and worry about Clottey, the rematch will prove who the better fighter is
          I already said that you cant accuse him but you cant say he won it fair and square but yet you choose to argue with me. How does it sound rediculous? he coulda started using it to every one of his opponents after he lsot with Williams because he knew he might not get another shot. Im just saying it could have happened.


            (the most retarted on boxinscene)
            If you're going to call someone "******ed" at least spell it correctly.

            How do you know it was fair and square. Do you have any prove that he didn't cheat?
            How do you know that Cotto didn't cheat against Michael Jennings? You don't. So using your rationale that means we should think that Jennings wouldn't have lost if it wasn't for Miguel Cheatto?


              Originally posted by BoriKua305 View Post
              that dont mean **** the comminsion in california didnt see **** either when they wrapped it. Neither did ****m until he asked them to take it off so that doesnt mean ****
              what it means is that there is no proof that margo cheated against cotto


                Originally posted by Pullcounter View Post
                where is your proof that margo cheated againt cotto???

                sorry, its not common sense, its called jumping to conclusions without any evidence
                Even Naazim Richardson feels he did cheat against Cotto


                  Originally posted by Deja_Vous View Post
                  And Quintana already got dropped face-down in 60 seconds...LOL.
                  Yea in 13 roun ds cotto did it in 5


                    Originally posted by Deja_Vous View Post
                    Zab Judah must have loaded his gloves too...because he busted Cotto's **** up pretty bad.
                    You as cold as ice


                      Originally posted by Deja_Vous View Post
                      Zab Judah must have loaded his gloves too...because he busted Cotto's **** up pretty bad.
                      dont be dumb that was nothing like he was cut in the margarito fight u HATERRrr




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