Originally posted by squealpiggy
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**** like that is what leads to these little Mexico VS The Phillipines rivalries that **** heads on here feed into, they make it seem like it's ALL Mexico VS ALL Phillipines when it's just 2 ignorant **** heads being ignorant, for all they know they could be the only ones who watch Boxing in their countries, they don't have the proper reasoning to suggest that because there's no way to find out, to say 1 country takes Boxing more seriously than another is just proud bull**** talk because there's no way to calculate which country has more fans or how serious those fans take the sport..
thats **** grabbing bravado right there and isn't cool at all, it increases hate yo just look on here, instead of these **** heads saying such and such is weak for example they will say their country is weak and thats generalizing because whoever they arguing with don't represent the country in full, the same as saying those 3 countries you named take their Boxing more seriously.. I don't know if you understand my logic but that **** is ignorance to me.. 100