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Pac/Floyd investigation, documented punches (disputed rounds) blow by blow

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    Originally posted by tangalog2200 View Post
    a very poor attempt at setting the parameters for discussing this thread....

    ask me why...i'm waiting....
    The point of this thread is trolling...but the thin veil that attempts to cover that is the scoring of the floyd vs pac how is asking how you gays score a fight a "poor attempt at setting the parameters" lol?


      Originally posted by Reloaded View Post
      Do you mean the parameters you ignore , the part about scoring fights that you pay no attention too , come on buddy dont play cute just answer a very simple question .

      What points is given by judges for Ring Generalship , Defense , Affective Aggression , Fight Control .

      Answer It !
      that is where you stumble......

      judges? scoring parameters used by judges?

      do you understand what you are trying to do here?

      three judges may even have different and/or contradicting verdict on a given fight!

      or do you just can not dispute what you now see in the video....

      the video is just a slow mo version of what transpired and you should not have difficulties commenting on it or dis*****g it....

      just a simple video.....versus 3 judges who you can not even tell what they have for lunch or dinner before the fight....

      and discuss what's on their mind regarding generalship, control defense etc etc...


        Originally posted by considerthis View Post
        The point of this thread is trolling...but the thin veil that attempts to cover that is the scoring of the floyd vs pac how is asking how you gays score a fight a "poor attempt at setting the parameters" lol?
        trolling? so what are you doing here?

        the thread, simply put, forwarded a slow mo version of the fight and such is the point of discussion....

        when a guy tries to revert the discussion to the 3 judges and how one is to score on generalship, defense etc etc is stretching the tread too wide too thin....

        why try to complicate? just comment or dispute the video....simple as that...


          Originally posted by tangalog2200 View Post
          trolling? so what are you doing here?

          the thread, simply put, forwarded a slow mo version of the fight and such is the point of discussion....

          when a guy tries to revert the discussion to the 3 judges and how one is to score on generalship, defense etc etc is stretching the tread too wide too thin....

          why try to complicate? just comment or dispute the video....simple as that...
          Isnt this thread about scoring the fight to determine the winner ?

          How the fck can you score the fight when you are only taking into account half the criteria ? , you expect people to debate it and you people make the rules as you go along , its a very simple question and its as much involved in scoring as punch stats .

          Ok if you cant estimate for judges you can surely answer for yourself , so you answer the question .

          If a fight is close in punch stats , what score do you give a guy for Ring Generalship , Defense , Effective Aggression , Fight Control .


            Originally posted by tangalog2200 View Post
            trolling? so what are you doing here?

            the thread, simply put, forwarded a slow mo version of the fight and such is the point of discussion....

            when a guy tries to revert the discussion to the 3 judges and how one is to score on generalship, defense etc etc is stretching the tread too wide too thin....

            why try to complicate? just comment or dispute the video....simple as that...
            What's the point of dis*****g something that is irrelevant? Fights are not scored in slow motion. This thread wasn't created to argue the merits of slowmo replay or to advocate for it's implementation into the judging was created by a known pact@rd to try to antagonize mayweather fans in an attempt to heal the gaping wound left behind after may 2nd.


              Originally posted by Reloaded View Post
              Isnt this thread about scoring the fight to determine the winner ?

              How the fck can you score the fight when you are only taking into account half the criteria ? , you expect people to debate it and you people make the rules as you go along , its a very simple question and its as much involved in scoring as punch stats .

              Ok if you cant estimate for judges you can surely answer for yourself , so you answer the question .

              If a fight is close in punch stats , what score do you give a guy for Ring Generalship , Defense , Effective Aggression , Fight Control .
              it is not about us making the rules as we as go along....

              it is just about posters reviewing the video and commenting on or dis*****g per the thread made...

              you said i am only taking into account only half of the criteria....

              so where's the other half? can you show me the official score cards where you can see the points awarded for the ring generalship? defense? effective aggression? fight control? etc etc....come on...i'm waiting...


                Originally posted by considerthis View Post
                What's the point of dis*****g something that is irrelevant? Fights are not scored in slow motion. This thread wasn't created to argue the merits of slowmo replay or to advocate for it's implementation into the judging was created by a known pact@rd to try to antagonize mayweather fans in an attempt to heal the gaping wound left behind after may 2nd.

                irrelevant? in what sense? how many posts have you made on this thread?


                  Originally posted by considerthis View Post
                  What's the point of dis*****g something that is irrelevant? Fights are not scored in slow motion. This thread wasn't created to argue the merits of slowmo replay or to advocate for it's implementation into the judging was created by a known pact@rd to try to antagonize mayweather fans in an attempt to heal the gaping wound left behind after may 2nd.

                  That sounds about right to me. Well said.

                  Can you send me a link to those score cards?

                  I am trying to shut these guys up.



                    Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                    That sounds about right to me. Well said.

                    Can you send me a link to those score cards?

                    I am trying to shut these guys up.

                    yes, i too would like to see the score cards...

                    very interested to see how the 3 judges scored on ring generalship, defense, effective aggression, fight control etc etc...


                      Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                      That sounds about right to me. Well said.

                      Can you send me a link to those score cards?

                      I am trying to shut these guys up.

                      Lol...these clowns will never shut's entertaining anyway. Just google may vs pac official scorecards. There's lots of different articles that covered the situation.

