Call what you will Monzoon, but he had guts and skills...and like every other person had a good side to him too read this :-
Back in the locker room, 11-year-old Abel Monzon approached his father, who sat slumped on the rubbing table. "When you were knocked down I cried many tears," he said. Rising, Monzon put one hand on the boy's thin shoulder. "O.K. In life you get knocked down many times. The important thing is always get up."
Back in the locker room, 11-year-old Abel Monzon approached his father, who sat slumped on the rubbing table. "When you were knocked down I cried many tears," he said. Rising, Monzon put one hand on the boy's thin shoulder. "O.K. In life you get knocked down many times. The important thing is always get up."