Originally posted by Bronson66
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You explain to me why you think Tommy's intentions should matter to me, this debate, and/or yourself.
My conclusions? Why haven't had a chance to talk about my conclusions. You're too busy telling me Fitzs, Loughran, Burns etc. didn't gain weight for smaller men and lose weight for larger men to even get to the conclusion.
Got side barred with why HWs own records they don't own
Record are incomplete or wrong
You refused to acknowledge what is on Boxrec until I cited something too modern for you to deny.
What conclusion are you talking about?
Smaller men have more stamina? Is that what you're saying? I am wrong about smaller men having more stamina because tommy did not intent on losing weight? Is that where we are bud? I'm really asking you, no hyperbole, no bull, not being rude. That's where we are at? You think telling me Burns didn't intend on being smaller but he was getting in his best shape disproves in some way or another he gains stamina as he drops pounds?
I couldn't tell you what you think my conclusions are
I will tell you, I don't think you're proven anything or been much more than petulant. How many times have I folded on the examples and found you a new one to pick some detail that doesn't matter apart? Started with Fitzs and now we at Tommy and you think intention matters ... ... ... ... ... c'mon guy, how isn't that just petulance?