Julian Jackson W12 Thomas Tate
Rd.3-Tate (close)
Rd.4-Jackson (10-8)
Rd.8-Jackson (close)
Rd.9-Jackson (close)
Very good middleweight fight, the first two rounds are tame, both men jabbing with Jackson rumbling along like the tank he is landing just a few more punches each round. In the third they both open up and Tate gets the better of it with his slightly faster hands and better movement. In the fourth it began to look like a typical Julian Jackson fight with him battering down Tate but in the fifth Jackson gets a little over-aggressive and while they are slugging Tate lands some hard lefts and rights and hurts Jackson and puts him on the back foot. In the sixth Jackson still looks shaky and Tate gets the better of it but Jackson gets his legs under him in the seventh and wins the next three rounds albeit each were very hard fought and action packed. In the tenth and eleventh both men take it easy and in the twelfth both men make a big finish that sees both men hurt but Jackson gets the better of it. Excellent performance from both men and a fight I would definitely recommend.
Rd.3-Tate (close)
Rd.4-Jackson (10-8)
Rd.8-Jackson (close)
Rd.9-Jackson (close)
Very good middleweight fight, the first two rounds are tame, both men jabbing with Jackson rumbling along like the tank he is landing just a few more punches each round. In the third they both open up and Tate gets the better of it with his slightly faster hands and better movement. In the fourth it began to look like a typical Julian Jackson fight with him battering down Tate but in the fifth Jackson gets a little over-aggressive and while they are slugging Tate lands some hard lefts and rights and hurts Jackson and puts him on the back foot. In the sixth Jackson still looks shaky and Tate gets the better of it but Jackson gets his legs under him in the seventh and wins the next three rounds albeit each were very hard fought and action packed. In the tenth and eleventh both men take it easy and in the twelfth both men make a big finish that sees both men hurt but Jackson gets the better of it. Excellent performance from both men and a fight I would definitely recommend.