Machida & rashad have the WORST chances against jones......both are very undersized & both LOVE to play the "distance" game...........machida looked small against rampage for goodness sakes........machida also will NOT strike you if he can't counter punch you from the outside......he'll move all night long without throwing a single punch if he can't counter you (thats how he lost against rampage) bones would be hitting him with shots that stretch from across the ring, i don't know what the fuss is about with machida beating jones.......quite frankly it's a bit ret@rted if you think the 2 styles through.
a guy that will beat jones is a smart slugger with & great chin & massive stamina............he'll have to go to heavyweight to get tested.
a guy that will beat jones is a smart slugger with & great chin & massive stamina............he'll have to go to heavyweight to get tested.