Originally posted by siablo14
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In fact, I went ahead and did a quick search for you;
Things that can void a pre-nup;
-"The original execution of the agreement was performed under duress or involuntarily. If one spouse is shown to have forced the other to sign without choice, the prenup could be thrown out.
-The original agreement was unconscionable (unfair or oppressive) or financially unjustified. If the agreement leaves one spouse financially destitute while the other thrives, a court is unlikely to completely enforce it.
-Failure to disclose all property, finances, or financial obligations at the time of execution. If bank accounts, property, or obligations are found to have existed at the time of the marriage but were not included in the agreement, the entire agreement will be invalid, and all property, including the additional assets, will be subject to division.
-The original document was not filed correctly. If the agreement was not properly and legally documented and witnessed, it is invalid.
-Performing an action stated within a restrictive clause. When executing a prenup, both parties can include restrictive clauses that invalidate the agreement if performed. For example, an infidelity clause will invalidate an agreement if one spouse has an extramarital affair."
A good lawyer can often get a pre-nup voided on one of the first two because they're subject to interpretation. I've heard of women saying "he wouldn't marry me unless I signed it" and that's all it took. I was essentially told not to waste the money because it wouldn't benefit me at all in my situation. I own some significant assets given to me by my family but to protect myself in case of divorce, it's set up so that I will technically inherit them after my mother passes. That way they can't be taxed or taken in divorce (apparently, inheritance is protected like this).