Originally posted by travestyny
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That was a different era, the standard has been changed...
"Hands up don't shoot", never happened in Ferguson, but there were riots anyway because activist in search of hate crimes pour gasoline on anything remotely resembling a fire...
Rodney King said he wanted us to "just all get along."
Jesse Smollett doesn't want us to get along, he wanted as much division and strife as possible to raise his SJW status...
Kaepernick took a knee at our national anthem and is somehow elevated into some kind of civil rights hero, he's no hero...
Martin Luther King was the real civil rights hero, and he wanted us to peacefully coexist because we're all the same, one people of many Colors including White...
Jussie Smollett wants that shine, but his mindset is incapable of earning it...
If you want to be like Martin Luther King, you got to bring everyone together...
We're not seeing that today... What we're seeing today is similar to what we saw in Germany that gave rise to the ****s...
One thing that they don't tell you in school these days is what the ****s really were, everyone should look it up...
The ****s were the National Socialist Party, ****s for short...
They outlawed guns so people couldn't effectively fight back, then vilified an ethnic group, the ***s...
They rallied the country around persecution of the ***s...
In America today, they're trying to turn white people into what the ****s turned to ***s into...
Socialism hasn't changed... they use people they call "useful idiots" to consolidate power and then they turned on those useful idiots...
The ****s used the "Brown shirts" and then turned on them once they had power...
The Soviets used "the Bolsheviks" and then turned on them once they Consolidated power...
The elite at the top want to divide and conquer... They get us to do their work for them, Americans fighting other Americans cuz they don't look the same...
What do you think the Socialist will do in America once the opposition has been vanquished???
They eliminate everyone that's helped them cuz they share power with no one...
Then what do you have???
A government that will eliminate any threat to its power...
All dissenting voices go to prison or are executed...
The Socialists have hijacked the ********ic Party...
I'm watching this go on before eyes, the Socialists are eliminating the ********ic Party from within...
The Socialist want to eliminate America from within eventually, with the modus operandi divide and conquer...
I think Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels took "The Prince" by Machiavelli, and applied it to a ruling class instead of a monarchy...
Everyone should read "The Prince" by Machiavelli to understand...
Basically, make promises, beg, borrow and steal your way to the top... And once you're there, eliminate everyone that helped you to get there, owe nothing to no one... The ends justify the means...
Martin Luther King is a Christian and had it right, we can't be divided... We must all Stand Together as one people under God...
You can't spread Love with Hate, and you can't be one people through division...
Jesus told us in The Sermon on the Mount:
Matthew 5:43, 44 KJV...
43.)" Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.
44.) " But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; "
We aren't going to hate, fight and divide our way into a better United country... But we can Love, tolerate and pray our way into a United country and one people of all colors...