Illegal aliens benefit those who hire them directly and are a huge burden on those who don't. You think hospitals, schools and prisons for illegals don't cost a ton of money?
I forget??? Who invited the British and Spanish honky's to the new world???
Before the white man showed up... Then created artificial borders... There was more harmony.
Once white pink mofo's showed up... Indian tribes got divided by the evil honky!!!
White people conquered America plain and simple through massive immigration. And their countries will be taken away from exactly the same through massive immigration if isn't stopped, probably without even a shot being fired.
White people conquered America plain and simple through massive immigration. And their countries will be taken away from exactly the same through massive immigration if isn't stopped, probably without even a shot being fired.
You beat me to the punch with that, Zaroku is up at the count of 8, saying stop importing ****** Immigrants. Cowboys and Indians, white man won.
It isn't right that the white man not play Cowboys vs ******s, stop bringing in them over!!!