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Why are so many people against trump becoming president?

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    Originally posted by Body Movin' View Post
    one quality that makes donald trump a master negotiator and a successful businessman is his flexibility. would you rather prefer an inflexible establishment shill?

    not just Mexico, try China, Japan, Australia, Russia and numerous others. we're tied with Europe for the dumbest policy on illegal immigration. and they're on the brink of collapse because of it.
    Its not that he's flexible, it's that he does complete 180's.
    You can't trust him. He's not a true conservative.


      Originally posted by JrRod View Post
      Its not that he's flexible, it's that he does complete 180's.
      You can't trust him. He's not a true conservative.
      you could classify many ********** candidates as not being true *************. do you know what a "true conservative" looks like? they don't win elections in America anymore. trump is a populist.


        Originally posted by BigNuts View Post
        What is wrong with kicking out all of the illegals and ******s? What is wrong with building a wall south of the border to keep scum from coming in and leeching off the system? What is wrong with cutting off obvious freeloaders that leech on welfare and food stamps and forcing them to get a JOB?

        I sooooooooooo hope trump wins. So sick of scum in this country getting free rides for all of their miserable lives.

        If ted cruz was saying lets get all the blacks and send the back to africa on ships.

        You would shht bricks


          Originally posted by JrRod View Post
          Its not that he's flexible, it's that he does complete 180's.
          You can't trust him. He's not a true conservative.
          Can you name me one politician who hasn't flip flopped on something? All politicians lie and this is one of the reasons why Trump has so much momentum, people are tired of the lies, the deceit, the self-serving interests. All these other politicians are so quick to point out how he switches up his stance but all of these guys are just as bad.

          Last week, all of the GOP candidates want to rage war against him and said they would actually vote for Hillary if he was the candidate. Yet, two nights ago on national television, ALL OF THEM SAID THEY WOULD SUPPORT THE GOP NOMINEE, EVEN IF IT WAS TRUMP.

          You guys don't get it, no politician really gives a schit about us, they are all making hundreds of thousands a year as part of the good old boys club while the average working guy struggles to keep the lights on.

          Hillary just paid herself 250K out of campaign donations, but people overlook that because they want a phukking handout.


            Originally posted by mathed View Post
            Can you name me one politician who hasn't flip flopped on something? All politicians lie and this is one of the reasons why Trump has so much momentum, people are tired of the lies, the deceit, the self-serving interests. All these other politicians are so quick to point out how he switches up his stance but all of these guys are just as bad.

            Last week, all of the GOP candidates want to rage war against him and said they would actually vote for Hillary if he was the candidate. Yet, two nights ago on national television, ALL OF THEM SAID THEY WOULD SUPPORT THE GOP NOMINEE, EVEN IF IT WAS TRUMP.

            You guys don't get it, no politician really gives a schit about us, they are all making hundreds of thousands a year as part of the good old boys club while the average working guy struggles to keep the lights on.

            Hillary just paid herself 250K out of campaign donations, but people overlook that because they want a phukking handout.
            Don't you get annoyed with changing your avatar everyday?


              Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
              If ted cruz was saying lets get all the blacks and send the back to africa on ships.

              You would shht bricks
              that's comparable to targeting illegal immigration and screening people with fundamentalist religious beliefs how exactly?

              two are harmful choices/activities

              one is ancestry

              there is plenty of support for trump from all over the board, the media is trying very very hard to race bait but if you look at the numbers it isn't working, he has support from all races

              the ********s will however rely heavily upon the young adults & college students vote -- notoriously gullible, easily angered, they won't be able to see the difference between immigration laws and "deporting the coloreds" because their brains aren't fully developed so the left is campaigning hard in college towns
              Last edited by ////; 03-05-2016, 10:34 PM.


                Originally posted by Beercules View Post
                They're racist. Im voting Trump.




                    Originally posted by Body Movin' View Post

                    That conversation in the second picture.... lol. What doesn't the girl understand?


                      Originally posted by Ruthless One View Post
                      That conversation in the second picture.... lol. What doesn't the girl understand?
                      the left is rife with people like this. unemployable, dishonest, and brain-dead.

                      Originally posted by 4Corners View Post
                      Isn't Trump racist by saying Mexico is sending us rapists and criminals, as if any illegal immigrants from mexico is a rapist criminal lol
                      "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
                      Doesn't make Hillary right back then either. Back then, we had a president who got us into 2 wars we couldn't afford and started the downward spiral of this country. Yet whenever else brings that up, all we hear is move on and stop bringing up the past. I tend to agree.
                      and which fantasy world is this? george w. bush's presidency is lambasted every time his name is brought up on TV. stances on policy is fair game when the other side can't shut up about trump's flip-flops.

                      I don't agree with stopping people from coming into this country based on religion. That is borderline hitler ****, jut not as extreme, yet.
                      here we go again with the "hitler ****". "temporary halting for safety measures" does not mean you're permanently banning them. a child could make this distinction. America has a history of presidents that enacted the same policy to varying degrees. why can't we use those comparisons instead? hitler put millions of people in death camps and gassed them without trial. quite a far cry from what trump is proposing isn't it?
                      Last edited by John Barron; 03-08-2016, 07:18 AM.

