Originally posted by El-blanco
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Personally, gentlemen, I believe we are witnessing a watershed moment in the history of Islam. This, these years, I believe, are the years which people will/look back on and say, "That's when it happened."
There have been atrocities before; but our age has transformed into one of global awareness, thanks to the internet. These are the years when the isolationism of the Middle-east faces the realities of the 21st century. Its only occurring in spurts and ISIS has our attention now, just as Iran did in their elections a few years ago.
This is not an immediate change, by any means; but its a step, which I feel will ultimately lead to more understanding and cooperation between opposing cultures as they realize, they are not so different, after all.
It usually takes a catalyst the likes of an "ISIS" to trigger such a revelation; but I truthfully believe history will record these years as "that moment".
Isis is not only angering the West..........they are enraging the East, and the very pool from which they hope to draw their recruits.