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Ched Evans...the pressure builds. Is it fair?

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    Originally posted by Rapid Counter
    If he was a plumber, toilet cleaner or road sweeper nobody would have a problem with him going back to his job. Its the fact the he will go back to being overpaid and overprivaliged that most people cant stomach.

    Personally i couldnt care less what happens with the guy but i think if youve served you time you deserve a second chance. But then i dont think serving 2.5 years for **** long enough anyway..
    plumbers, toilet cleaners and road sweepers dont work for companies that rely on sponsors and fans to pay their employees

    Posted from App for Android


      Originally posted by Kris Silver View Post
      So only folk in certain industries can recontinue there career whilst some others can't?

      It stinks to be honest. The idea is you serve your time and are given your freedom again. You can't take people's career after too. If his employer wants to hire him they are perfectly entitled to let him continue his rehabilitation.

      In any case, if you followed the story it strongly suggests they just had drunken but consented ***.
      Of course you shouldn't automatically be entitled to do the same work again it depends if he is still fit for his role.

      As for the story he is currently a convicted rapist.


        An offender served his time, that should be the end of it.
        But moral outrage seems to be a continually rising trend.

        I'm not sure what these people want. For him to not have employment? Or is it just the high money that he'll be earning that people can't accept?


          Originally posted by BodiesInFlight View Post
          An offender served his time, that should be the end of it.
          But moral outrage seems to be a continually rising trend.

          I'm not sure what these people want. For him to not have employment? Or is it just the high money that he'll be earning that people can't accept?
          Hardly a rising trend.

          There are people who lose their livelihoods for much lesser offences. Maybe these for some of the these people you speak of


            Originally posted by Funky_Monk View Post
            Hardly a rising trend.

            There are people who lose their livelihoods for much lesser offences. Maybe these for some of the these people you speak of
            I've never seen such public outrage to a story of a man going back to work after being convicted of **** and serving his time. It appears on the rise to me at least, mainly due to twitter and facebook.


              Originally posted by BodiesInFlight View Post
              I've never seen such public outrage to a story of a man going back to work after being convicted of **** and serving his time. It appears on the rise to me at least, mainly due to twitter and facebook.
              Certainly Twitter gives the masses ability to lobby.
              I think there is always debate with high profile jobs, once they have served their sentence,if they are fit to return to their role.


                Originally posted by BodiesInFlight View Post
                An offender served his time, that should be the end of it.
                But moral outrage seems to be a continually rising trend.

                I'm not sure what these people want. For him to not have employment? Or is it just the high money that he'll be earning that people can't accept?
                Lee Hughes killed someone in a hit and run accident and continied playing after he had served his time.

                Evans took advantage of a girl who had too much to drink. That makes him a sleazy **** but not a monster. He's done his time and should be free to play for whoever is willing to give him a contract.

                If he gets back to a level good enough to earn a recall to the Welsh national side I wouldn't care about his criminal record as long as he's plays well.


                  Originally posted by Welsh Jon View Post
                  Lee Hughes killed someone in a hit and run accident and continied playing after he had served his time.

                  Evans took advantage of a girl who had too much to drink. That makes him a sleazy **** but not a monster. He's done his time and should be free to play for whoever is willing to give him a contract.

                  If he gets back to a level good enough to earn a recall to the Welsh national side I wouldn't care about his criminal record as long as he's plays well.
                  Yeah, that was a pretty big story, but there wasn't as much moral outrage with Hughes. There was some outrage for Marlon King, but that died down after a day, this one is staying in the news.

                  I think he should be able to continue to play too.


                    Originally posted by BodiesInFlight View Post
                    Yeah, that was a pretty big story, but there wasn't as much moral outrage with Hughes. There was some outrage for Marlon King, but that died down after a day, this one is staying in the news.

                    I think he should be able to continue to play too.
                    Economics will prevail, I suspect this means he'll play at a lower level maybe much lower level.


                      Originally posted by Welsh Jon View Post
                      Evans took advantage of a girl who had too much to drink. That makes him a sleazy **** but not a monster.
                      Actually it makes him a convicted rapist.

                      Should we let convicted murderers back on teams too? *****philes who serve a couple of years for child abuse? Where do we draw the line, is **** not serious enough?

                      Not getting at you Jon, just asking the questions. A lot of the lenient sentiment towards him is based on a feeling he's not really guilty, if he had attacked a girl in an alleyway and ****d her I think reaction would be very different.

                      My feeling is that he's probably not guilty too but that wasn't up to us to decide, it was for the legal system, and our personal views on the case don't matter. The courts, having made their decision, I think **** has to be treated as ****.

                      Originally posted by Funky_Monk View Post
                      I don't buy the role model arguments but if part of his job is to work in the community and represent sponsors there may be a conflict of interest.
                      How come? most British kids look up to footballers. If it was Rooney the rapist, do you think that would fly with most parents? He'd probably have to go play abroad or something. He'd never be accepted back.
                      Last edited by Weebler I; 11-14-2014, 12:02 PM.

