It all began yesterday. I logged into Boxing Scene and noticed I had a new notification. Ooooh. I wonder what it could be. Perhaps a friendly PM from one of the cool guys on here. Maybe even nudes of New England.
My throat was dry with anticipation. I clicked the notification.
And found the following:
I was confused. I remember seeing some of this guy's posts getting a somewhat hostile reception. People calling him a douche, a ****** and what not.
So maybe this was one of his dick moves. I was mildly amused, and still did the gentlemanly thing of entertaining the prospect I'd done something wrong. Maybe he had genuine reason to feel irked by something I've said.
So I decided to find out.
Here is the exchange:
I found that reasoning to be really odd. Just because I am supporting someone's right to say something it means I support the act? I don't joke about that kinda stuff because it crosses the boundaries of my conscience. If I joked about that kinda stuff I'd feel shitty. Despite that I still believe if that is what someone wants to joke about then go ahead.
This "debate" was clearly going nowhere. The guy is clearly a moron who has his own agenda and will twist anything I say to support it. Hell so far he hasn't even bothered to stick to picking apart what I've actually said. He seemed quite content to seemingly make up quotes in his head.
So I decided to end the interaction.
This was my last PM:
And that was the end of it for a while.
I woke to a kind gift from my new friend:
And some karma too. Probably for the shits and giggles.
I like how he had to red K a completely random post of mine. Because there are NO posts where I joke about ******ing children.
I hope you have been as entertained by this as I was gentleman. This guy looks like he has the potential to hang with Rockin' as the lounge's resident nutjob/irritating ****.
The only explanation I can give for this is that Rockin' was posting in a thread - during his recent meltdown - about how Anorak is a sick **** for joking about ******ing children.
Another poster and I. Rorymac I think??? Stepped in and said we think ANYTHING is fair game for being joked about. As it's freedom of speech and all that.
Then Rockin' rather shockingly started accusing Anorak of being a genuine peadophile. His evidence? Anorak APPARENTLY made a joke about ******ing kids. So by his "logic" any comedian who has ever made a **** joke is a rapist.
I'm not sure if Rorymac has been getting this same treatment from this Rammstein guy. I know Anorak has been getting some strong opinions thrown at him.
So hence the the thread title. Anorak you have a lot to answer for mate.
But I can't really blame you babes. Some people are just silly ****s.
My throat was dry with anticipation. I clicked the notification.
And found the following:
I was confused. I remember seeing some of this guy's posts getting a somewhat hostile reception. People calling him a douche, a ****** and what not.
So maybe this was one of his dick moves. I was mildly amused, and still did the gentlemanly thing of entertaining the prospect I'd done something wrong. Maybe he had genuine reason to feel irked by something I've said.
So I decided to find out.
Here is the exchange:
I found that reasoning to be really odd. Just because I am supporting someone's right to say something it means I support the act? I don't joke about that kinda stuff because it crosses the boundaries of my conscience. If I joked about that kinda stuff I'd feel shitty. Despite that I still believe if that is what someone wants to joke about then go ahead.
This "debate" was clearly going nowhere. The guy is clearly a moron who has his own agenda and will twist anything I say to support it. Hell so far he hasn't even bothered to stick to picking apart what I've actually said. He seemed quite content to seemingly make up quotes in his head.
So I decided to end the interaction.
This was my last PM:
And that was the end of it for a while.
I woke to a kind gift from my new friend:
And some karma too. Probably for the shits and giggles.
I like how he had to red K a completely random post of mine. Because there are NO posts where I joke about ******ing children.
I hope you have been as entertained by this as I was gentleman. This guy looks like he has the potential to hang with Rockin' as the lounge's resident nutjob/irritating ****.
The only explanation I can give for this is that Rockin' was posting in a thread - during his recent meltdown - about how Anorak is a sick **** for joking about ******ing children.
Another poster and I. Rorymac I think??? Stepped in and said we think ANYTHING is fair game for being joked about. As it's freedom of speech and all that.
Then Rockin' rather shockingly started accusing Anorak of being a genuine peadophile. His evidence? Anorak APPARENTLY made a joke about ******ing kids. So by his "logic" any comedian who has ever made a **** joke is a rapist.
I'm not sure if Rorymac has been getting this same treatment from this Rammstein guy. I know Anorak has been getting some strong opinions thrown at him.
So hence the the thread title. Anorak you have a lot to answer for mate.
But I can't really blame you babes. Some people are just silly ****s.