Your own jokes, or good jokes you heard. Not the ones you just google and copy paste here. Go on punk, make my day.
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Some good jokes, any?
Okay, I made these up myself, so go easy on me...
One Eel wanted to rob a bank, and told another Eel to come join it. The other Eel said "No, that's Eelegal"
A tie came from work and was hanged next to all the other ties in the closet. The tie next to it asked "How are you?" The tie replied: "Just a bit TIErd"
not bad Rockin and Kev. I will try and make some up myself, cannot think of any right now, buggers me.
A man was at the bus stop after a busy day at work. His bus pulled up and the Indian driver said: "Sorry I'm jam-packed full!!" The man replied: "I don't give a fuck what your name is I just want on the bus!!"