i don't believe in free will. i think it's an illusion and we're all governed by fate or chance. choices we make are either (a) predetermined, or (b) happenings of chance. neither imply, nor necessitate the existence of free will.
Let me put forward a theory of mine that I subsequently found out had been expressed by Pierre-Simon Laplace:
If someone knows the precise location and momentum of every atom in the universe, their past and future values for any given time are entailed; they can be calculated from the laws of classical mechanics.
I believe in it entirely. Ive shaped my life off of it. Destiny is a belief of defeatists. The connection to morality that usually goes along with this debate is self explanatory. If you choose to murder somebody than you chose that action. If you choose to work for min wage and just get by you chose that path. If you choose to be faithful to your wife than you made a moral choice. If you chose to cheat on her then you made an immoral choice. I believe in morality as a choice as well. It goes back to free will. I am responsible for my actions.