this zelenoff guy is pretty funny. he is the type person you need at the jobsite. i laughed so hard when i saw the sparring with floyd senior...
Yeah, I want him at my job site too, so he can walk in with a Gun one day, and shoot blow everyone away, all being blamed on his Schizophrenia or whatever other mental disorder he has.
Charlie picked her up off the street and promised to make her a star in one of his "videos".
Unfortunately, she didn't know he meant YouTube "video". She thought he was a pron producer.
After he made his big webcam YouTube video.... he kicked her out. When she asked where her money was, he said "Girl, don't you know? You should be paying ME for this incredible gift! This video will have ATLEAST 200,000,000,000,000 views by morning! Now, get out. I have more 'videos' to make. A video announcing a video that another video is coming out with a video of me making you a big video star."