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Stop eating crack donalds and murder king.

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    i eat fast food every other day, no time to cook, and i'm neither fat nor obese. a lot of it can be attributed to my freakishly fast metabolism.

    i watched this documentary called Fat Head and the guy actually lost weight and lowered his cholesterol on a fast food diet and explained in great detail why. it exposed Super Size Me as one big lie to promote his ugly ass girlfriend's vegan bullshit and the "healthy food" culture in america.
    Last edited by John Barron; 04-17-2012, 08:08 PM.


      Originally posted by Trigg Happpy! View Post
      People are slowly killing themselves with these disgusting fast food companies. I don't why people would pay $7-10 for pink slime when they could spend that money on groceries. These foods lead to obesity, depression, and heart disease. Try and buy organic foods only. I know they're a little more exspensive but you only have one life so why not pay a little more money for it.
      We should also stop breathing polluted air folks. Breathing polluted air could cause some serious lung, heart and health problems.


        Originally posted by Spartacus Sully View Post
        **** McDonals and burger king, 5 Guys is where its at

        that's so expensive, and it's pretty average. they always load me up on fries though.


          Originally posted by Spartacus Sully View Post
          **** McDonals and burger king, 5 Guys is where its at

          5 guys are pretty good, but Fuddruckers rules!


            How can you say no to this?


              Originally posted by Body Movin' View Post
              i eat fast food every other day, no time to cook, and i'm neither fat nor obese. a lot of it can be attributed to my freakishly fast metabolism.

              i watched this documentary called Fat Head and the guy actually lost weight and lowered his cholesterol on a fast food diet and explained in great detail why. it exposed Super Size Me as one big lie to promote his ugly ass girlfriend's vegan bullshit and the "healthy food" culture in america.
              I just watched that movie after reading your post. Thanks. Made a lot of sense, Imma spread it around.


                Originally posted by MARKBNLV View Post
                at my store organic just means 1.50 more for an avocado or tomato,not to mention they go bad extremely quick,cover my sht in preservatives thank you.
                I think avocado is one of the types I've read it doesn't matter... regular or organic that is. Because the skin is so thick the chemicals don't seep in. (The general idea is that you should by regular thick skinned stuff and stuff you peel, and buy organic when it's thin skinned and you don't peel.)

