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Originally posted by tim horton View Postdo yourself a favour - and ask yourself what kind of "affluent" dude would take the time to do this (fill my K bar with murder scenes) at ffour or five am his time with five different handles.
sickracisthug, MIB, roa and whatever handle he happens to be using now is a pathetic child.
and a pathological liar to boot.
did the sociopath's scary pictures upset you, timmy? why no screenshots? too grody? did you need to ask e-people to flush the nasty karma out of your CP? what's wrong, is concealed racism and bigotry only cool when you're the one putting it out there?
ask yourself this, you lowly, wimpy rube.
if an individual is so pathetic and ******ed, why waste so much of your precious time following him? what kind of person would be on a pathetic, ******ed person's stick every day for weeks on end despite being ignored? who would beg for that pathetic, ******ed person to come at them then slink away and play potshot from a distance when they finally do? who would obsess so feverishly over one word in a pathetic, ******ed person's 'location' bar or worry constantly about what hours that person keeps? do you think he cares about what hours you keep? or whether a Godless ass like you prays five times a day or not? LMAO.
it's pretty ironic that you should talk about pathological liars, when you took so much offence to the chastisement of marky boy (y'know, that guy who doesn't post so much anymore). first tell me which of his fairy stories you find plausible, and secondly direct me to any examples of this dashing MIB fellow posting similarly absurd, dramatized accounts of his life. as far as i can tell, he doesn't really reveal much of himself here at all because it isn't relevant for the most part. but it appears obvious to all but the most slow-witted than he's solvent, by the fact that, in his late 20's, he can do what he wants, live as relaxed a lifestyle he wants, own (most of) the things he wants and can discuss the arts like an erudite, cultured fellow. he also doesn't need to pretend to have attended events -- *cough* like timmy *cough* -- he just attends them.
what's doubly ironic is, you're such an obvious naif. a thread like this alone is proof of that. you don't even have the nous to make any money in all the considerable amount of time you spend on the internet. that's the sad part. you spend as much time on your computer (or someone else's computer) as MIB does on his, but you profit to the tune of '0'. all you do is look for free stuff that doesn't exist.
and for a final crushing irony, refer to the fact that nobody actually cares about your slowwwww pursuit of MIB. you spend your entire life creepy-crawling one person to zero acclaim. nobody co-signs you, nobody appreciates your effort, and you remain forever an ineffectual dingleberry. even most of the people who hate him don't pay any attention to you. i imagine it would be hard for MIB to even really dislike someone who is so obviously fascinated by him and finds him so charismatic as to be worth this much of his time over the course of an entire year. beefs come and go, but little timmy's pathological, butthurt, jilted obsession with MIB will live forever. LMAO.
what. a. fucking. loser. you should've just said you didn't want to trade barbs instead of fronting. i'll recommend to MIB that he take your recent pussyfooting as a white-flag and pop you back on ignore. timmy the ne'er do well moulinyan, begging for free stuff on the internet, what will be your next passive-aggressive tactic?
btw, what property do you own? where do you ever go and where have you ever been? what hotels are you familiar with? thought so. i'll recommend you one off the top of my head. look up the mandarin oriental. that place is ridiculous, two of everything, has its own library (even its own rice paddy field), lots of activities and cultural features if you actually want to learn something for a change. if you can afford it, you'll have a lovely stay (beware the wi-fi, it's a ripoff).
Originally posted by DORKBNLV View Poststill on the scrounge and guileless enough that he actually needs to ask about this here.
did the sociopath's scary pictures upset you, timmy? why no screenshots? too grody? did you need to ask e-people to flush the nasty karma out of your CP? what's wrong, is concealed racism and bigotry only cool when you're the one putting it out there?
ask yourself this, you lowly, wimpy rube.
if an individual is so pathetic and ******ed, why waste so much of your precious time following him? what kind of person would be on a pathetic, ******ed person's stick every day for weeks on end despite being ignored? who would beg for that pathetic, ******ed person to come at them then slink away and play potshot from a distance when they finally do? who would obsess so feverishly over one word in a pathetic, ******ed person's 'location' bar or worry constantly about what hours that person keeps? do you think he cares about what hours you keep? or whether a Godless ass like you prays five times a day or not? LMAO.
it's pretty ironic that you should talk about pathological liars, when you took so much offence to the chastisement of marky boy (y'know, that guy who doesn't post so much anymore). first tell me which of his fairy stories you find plausible, and secondly direct me to any examples of this dashing MIB fellow posting similarly absurd, dramatized accounts of his life. as far as i can tell, he doesn't really reveal much of himself here at all because it isn't relevant for the most part. but it appears obvious to all but the most slow-witted than he's solvent, by the fact that, in his late 20's, he can do what he wants, live as relaxed a lifestyle he wants, own (most of) the things he wants and can discuss the arts like an erudite, cultured fellow. he also doesn't need to pretend to have attended events -- *cough* like timmy *cough* -- he just attends them.
what's doubly ironic is, you're such an obvious naif. a thread like this alone is proof of that. you don't even have the nous to make any money in all the considerable amount of time you spend on the internet. that's the sad part. you spend as much time on your computer (or someone else's computer) as MIB does on his, but you profit to the tune of '0'. all you do is look for free stuff that doesn't exist.
and for a final crushing irony, refer to the fact that nobody actually cares about your slowwwww pursuit of MIB. you spend your entire life creepy-crawling one person to zero acclaim. nobody co-signs you, nobody appreciates your effort, and you remain forever an ineffectual dingleberry. even most of the people who hate him don't pay any attention to you. i imagine it would be hard for MIB to even really dislike someone who is so obviously fascinated by him and finds him so charismatic as to be worth this much of his time over the course of an entire year. beefs come and go, but little timmy's pathological, butthurt, jilted obsession with MIB will live forever. LMAO.
what. a. fucking. loser. you should've just said you didn't want to trade barbs instead of fronting. i'll recommend to MIB that he take your recent pussyfooting as a white-flag and pop you back on ignore. timmy the ne'er do well moulinyan, begging for free stuff on the internet, what will be your next passive-aggressive tactic?
btw, what property do you own? where do you ever go and where have you ever been? what hotels are you familiar with? thought so. i'll recommend you one off the top of my head. look up the mandarin oriental. that place is ridiculous, two of everything, has its own library (even its own rice paddy field), lots of activities and cultural features if you actually want to learn something for a change. if you can afford it, you'll have a lovely stay (beware the wi-fi, it's a ripoff).
Originally posted by DORKBNLV View Poststill on the scrounge and guileless enough that he actually needs to ask about this here.
did the sociopath's scary pictures upset you, timmy? why no screenshots? too grody? did you need to ask e-people to flush the nasty karma out of your CP? what's wrong, is concealed racism and bigotry only cool when you're the one putting it out there?
ask yourself this, you lowly, wimpy rube.
if an individual is so pathetic and ******ed, why waste so much of your precious time following him? what kind of person would be on a pathetic, ******ed person's stick every day for weeks on end despite being ignored? who would beg for that pathetic, ******ed person to come at them then slink away and play potshot from a distance when they finally do? who would obsess so feverishly over one word in a pathetic, ******ed person's 'location' bar or worry constantly about what hours that person keeps? do you think he cares about what hours you keep? or whether a Godless ass like you prays five times a day or not? LMAO.
it's pretty ironic that you should talk about pathological liars, when you took so much offence to the chastisement of marky boy (y'know, that guy who doesn't post so much anymore). first tell me which of his fairy stories you find plausible, and secondly direct me to any examples of this dashing MIB fellow posting similarly absurd, dramatized accounts of his life. as far as i can tell, he doesn't really reveal much of himself here at all because it isn't relevant for the most part. but it appears obvious to all but the most slow-witted than he's solvent, by the fact that, in his late 20's, he can do what he wants, live as relaxed a lifestyle he wants, own (most of) the things he wants and can discuss the arts like an erudite, cultured fellow. he also doesn't need to pretend to have attended events -- *cough* like timmy *cough* -- he just attends them.
what's doubly ironic is, you're such an obvious naif. a thread like this alone is proof of that. you don't even have the nous to make any money in all the considerable amount of time you spend on the internet. that's the sad part. you spend as much time on your computer (or someone else's computer) as MIB does on his, but you profit to the tune of '0'. all you do is look for free stuff that doesn't exist.
and for a final crushing irony, refer to the fact that nobody actually cares about your slowwwww pursuit of MIB. you spend your entire life creepy-crawling one person to zero acclaim. nobody co-signs you, nobody appreciates your effort, and you remain forever an ineffectual dingleberry. even most of the people who hate him don't pay any attention to you. i imagine it would be hard for MIB to even really dislike someone who is so obviously fascinated by him and finds him so charismatic as to be worth this much of his time over the course of an entire year. beefs come and go, but little timmy's pathological, butthurt, jilted obsession with MIB will live forever. LMAO.
what. a. fucking. loser. you should've just said you didn't want to trade barbs instead of fronting. i'll recommend to MIB that he take your recent pussyfooting as a white-flag and pop you back on ignore. timmy the ne'er do well moulinyan, begging for free stuff on the internet, what will be your next passive-aggressive tactic?
btw, what property do you own? where do you ever go and where have you ever been? what hotels are you familiar with? thought so. i'll recommend you one off the top of my head. look up the mandarin oriental. that place is ridiculous, two of everything, has its own library (even its own rice paddy field), lots of activities and cultural features if you actually want to learn something for a change. if you can afford it, you'll have a lovely stay (beware the wi-fi, it's a ripoff).
Danielle Steele, at it again. I thought I was on ignore yet errrrday (thanks Dro) you be writing novels about me, *****. You lie, you have no life and everybody - aside from your two or three minions - who clearly are not old enough to think for themselves - knows it.
This dumb motherflucker actually thinks that i am going to justify anything to him. loooooooooooooooooooool. I have always and will always ignore and laugh at you. That`s how it`s been that`s how it will be.
out of curiousity, how many of y`all K`d me when you found out that this two bit, piece of crap, was up to his tricks. 25 posters? 30??
Get a life boss, you were on here at 4am 3 nights in a row and here you are again. Take a shower and get some sun. trusssssssssssssssssss you need it.
Originally posted by yonge.heffer View PostIt might be a top-up bonus or play bonus. So you either gotta deposit $750 so they match it and you have to play a certain amount of hands/hours at their games. or you gotta put in money and play a certain amount of time so you can "unlock" this bonus.