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Have you ever driven blazed?

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    [PLEASE HELP] Have you ever driven blazed?

    I myself have never tried it but I've been with my homie while hes driving blazed and it amazes me how he can still drive well.... I've ask him how he does it and he said it takes practice... I've been smoking for about 6 month and would like give it a shot so I ask to my fellow stoners if you could give me some tips and advice. Thanks

    Blazed? Smoking? When your on fire your supposed to stop drop and roll not drive.


      Originally posted by Broly View Post
      Blazed? Smoking? When your on fire your supposed to stop drop and roll not drive.
      well I know I can't be too fooked up to drive but thanks for the advice


        either way you driving under an influence. I dont imagine much of a difference between drugs and alcohol and wouldn't recommend driving while under the influence of either.


          My advice is to dont do it. Driving like that is not a joke and its ok if you want to put your life at stake but not someone elses. This is coming from a cat who use to drive high & drink all the time. Driving high never bothered me unless I was just so high that my eyes were closing shut. I never felt that it enhanced my vision or anything. I just never thought about it, period. 9 times out of 10 though if Im high then Im also drunk. I use to fall asleep behind the wheel and wake up with me swirving in the oncoming lane but nothing bad ever happened because it was always like 3am so no cars were on the road. I remember falling a sleep on a road that I drive on every day and when I woke up I didnt know where I was. I knew the road was familiar but I didnt know where it was. Then it popped in my head and I jammed on breaks because I was going through a stop sign onto a main highway.

          I also remember a crazy ass prom night where a bunch of crazy **** happened and at the end of the night I got pulled over. I blew into the thing and was like 12x over the legal limit or some **** but I passed the field test. I remember seeing the cop behind me before he pulled me over. I knew I was swerving and still couldnt stop. Thats how ****ed up I was. Luckily it was a black cop and I never lie to them about stuff like that and they always seem to cut me a break. I told him that it was prom night and I had a few drinks at a party. He told me that he wasnt going to take my license away and **** my life up. He then told me to take my black ass home right now. All of those were his exact words.

          What was crazy is that I knew I was too ****ed up to make it home so instead I tried to drive to a friend's house which was closer. I honestly prayed to GOD the whole way there for me to make it safe and luckily I made it. What was crazy was that my friends were still up and I parked close to the house but to the side. I was so ****ed up that I couldnt make it inside the house. I was looking right at the house but knew I couldnt make it so I fell asleep right in the car. At that time it was like 20 degrees outside so I woke up like 4hrs later nearly screaming. Ran to the door and told them to give me a blanket and crank up the heat and they did that for me.

          That was the last time I ever got too ****ed up to the point where I was out of it. I always maintained after that. I still smoked & drank alot but never to the point where I would fall asleep driving, start swerving, or just be totally out of it. Most of the time I just got tipsy. Basically, my point is that when you experince things and get older, you realize that **** was dumb and unesscary. The sad part is that others are unlucky and have to learn the hard way by killing someone. There are some really good people who didnt take things serious enough and ended up in tragedies. Ive driven drunk or high off beer, wine, champange, liquor, weed, and boat.

          No disrespect but it almost sounds like you are doing something to be cool or follow the pack. Dont ever do it for those reasons. I did alot of **** but never for those reasons. It mostly just ran in my family and all my friends were like that. I ended up getting kicked out of school after school. I went to so many schools that I was sent to a school that was strictly for bad kids that got kicked out of every school in the County. Ended up dropping out in the 12th as hardly any of my friends finished school and I got my GED in jail while serving time for selling drugs. One thing leads to another. Im not trying to be your pops and tell you dont do this or that because you have to live life but when it comes to the point where it can jepordize someone else's life then you should leave it alone. A billion people have driven drunk or high and alot of them are lucky like myself but it could easily end up the other way


            Dont speed infact if you can stay at 10 below the speed limit any time your under any influence that would probably be best for you and any one else.


              DLT hitting the lounge with his long ass novels

              A lot of people do it out here in Oakland and it is the norm but I do not recommend for you to drive under the influence of any drug TS as you are not from Oakland or the Bay area


                driving under the influence of drink or drugs is no joke , its not fair to put innocent drivers and pedestrians on the road at risk because of your idiotic actions (potentially) , dont do it man.


                  Im aware of the consequences of driving under the influence but I would only drive if i wanna go get munchies or chill at a friends house... When i go to house parties and get hella phucked up i never drive home i usually pass out there or get a ride wit sumone else but the was sum story


                    good try it immedietly find a busy freeway and drive fast as u can at fullspeed to get maximum results then come back here and report your findings.

