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Celebrities DEFEND Convicted Child Rapist

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    Originally posted by medic5678 View Post

    Yes, it's amazing what happens when you look at the "protestors" with a smidgen of critical thought.
    Therein lies the problem with engaging these clowns.

    I'm not saying they have no capacity for critical thought. They may or they may not. We can't say.

    But what we do know is they put political Party team loyalty above all else, including even critical thought (when present).
    Fists_of_Fury Fists_of_Fury likes this.


      Originally posted by medic5678 View Post

      Joseph Rosenbaum is a prime example of who is at those riots. You are talking about people who don't work and make no contribution to society. Those "protests"? An invitation to riot, loot and commit arson. Who do you think that attracts? I support anyone who wants to have a lawful protest. But destroying private property or taxpayer property? Inexcusable. Professional rioters deserve hell. At least Rosenbaum will never **** another child. That's the biggest positive about the whole thing.

      I conceal carry. It's not something I do lightly but I do it lawfully. In the same situation, I'd have shot both Rosenbaum and Huber. I would pray that I'd hit Gaige square in the forehead. May they all rot in hell. Even that's too good for them.
      Man that is true I went to one of the black live matter protests after George Floyd but it was all weird ass pasty looking pedophile looking white people like that. I said never again. None of those ****ers gave a **** about actual criminal justice reform they just wanted to destroy **** and yell.


        Originally posted by travestyny View Post

        Those "protests" also attracted Kyle RIttenhouse, his buddy Ryan Balch of the Boogaloo Boi militia, The Kenosha Guard, and people like the Black father and daughter who were there protecting a restaurant and were most recently seen at an anti-Kyle Rittenhouse rally where they were asked to help protect protesters. Now that we know Kyle himself is a Black Lives Matter supporter, bore out by his desire to provide medical aid to the protesters, I guess with your logic he and all the others were also there to riot, loot, and commit arson? Or maybe not all people attracted to the protests were there to riot, loot, and commit arson? Which is it?
        I give you props! At least you never make excuses for being a RACIST posht!!!

        Blame everyone but yourself
        Fists_of_Fury Fists_of_Fury likes this.


          Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post

          I hope u meet your Kyle soon while you riot and loot.
          Won't happen.

          He's too busy "winning" on Internet forums to ever leave the basement.


            Originally posted by medic5678 View Post

            The answer here is you're so ****** that you think the fires set themselves. I'm sure there were peaceful protestors who didn't do such things. People have the right to assemble. But without the people who are there to destroy in the first place, you'd have no violence, no looting, no arson. Just people exercising a constitutional right. Had Rosenbaum not chased Rittenhouse to start the whole sequence of events, do you think Rittenhouse would have started shooting people? You're a hardworking professional victim, I've got to give you that.
            Then you agree with me that not everyone who was attracted to the protests were there to burn, loot, and riot.

            Did your dumb ass not just say:

            "Joseph Rosenbaum is a prime example of who is at those riots. You are talking about people who don't work and make no contribution to society. Those "protests"? An invitation to riot, loot and commit arson. Who do you think that attracts? "
            I see I can teach an old racist new tricks. So either we've both "so ******" or if I am "so ******," I somehow still managed to become your teacher. What does that make you, hmmmm?

            Now tell me. What is the proof that you have that the decedents or the guy who was shot at, or the guy that was shot in the arm, were there to burn, loot, or riot? Let's see the evidence. I'm pretty sure some of them were trying to stop someone whom they believed was an active shooter. So let's see all of the evidence you have on burning, looting, and rioting.

            By the way. If you didn't have Kyle Rittehouse there, no one would be dead.
            Last edited by travestyny; 11-27-2021, 02:10 PM.


              Originally posted by 1bad65 View Post

              Won't happen.

              He's too busy "winning" on Internet forums to ever leave the basement.
              I noticed that also! I'm out there making $$$$$ and he's out there going through all my messages???


                Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post

                I hope u meet your Kyle soon while you riot and loot.
                I know you hope you would have met Kyle a couple of years ago you disgusting pedo defending freak.


                  Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post

                  I give you props! At least you never make excuses for being a RACIST posht!!!

                  Blame everyone but yourself
                  Point out the racism in my post.

                  I can point out you defending a pedophile

                  Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post
                  Yeah funny how the "leaks" came out.
                  My $$$$ on all bsht.
                  This sht would be all over the place if correct

                  You should be ashamed of yourself.



                    Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post

                    Yeah funny how the "leaks" came out.

                    My $$$$ on all bsht.

                    This sht would be all over the place if correct

                    If you were wrong about something, that doesn't mean you were supporting it.

                    If you happened to think it was all bs but happened to be true, then u were wrong, all good folks could b wrong here and there.

                    If you said something about someone and it happened to not be correct, then ok you were wrong, but that doesn't mean you're supporting them.
                    Last edited by HrNY; 11-27-2021, 02:09 PM.


                      Originally posted by travestyny View Post

                      Point out the racism in my post.

                      I can point out you defending a pedophile

                      You should be ashamed of yourself.
                      Easy you and your ***! Supporting that RACIST.

                      And you never saying you're not racist

                      Man lie to yourself but don't lie to me.

