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Can you see yourself doing any of these

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    Originally posted by Jc8804 View Post
    I worked with a guy 15 years agi that said he was so drunk one night driving home in the rain and heard a thump . Next day he woke up late for work and noticed a dent on his right side of his bumper and headlight .
    So he said he left it and just moved on with his life .
    That's reprehensible and I would have talked him into handing himself in. And if he didn't, I would no longer consider him a friend, although I wouldn't snitch on him. That's between him and his conscious, but unless he's a psychopath, this event will define his character and become a stain on his mental psyche - even if no one ever found out:

    I'm so happy she finally said yes, but I did run over that one guy
    Yes, finally got that promotion but I did run over that one guy
    So proud my kids just graduated but I did run over that one guy

    Just because the consequences are not immediately apparent, there's a mental toll as well making you feel like unwholesome for the rest of your life. No gangster, mafiaso, drug pusher, murderer, rapist etc has ever died with a cleas conscious.


      Originally posted by Citizen Koba View Post

      Who gets hurt by the peanut ******** thing?
      My inner me. Would have to get rid of every mirror.
      If Selma H were to drop dead right now and I had the chance ????


        Number 5. Depending on the circumstances, and if I felt I can get away with It. if someone hurt my family or something, I’d probably feel no remorse about hurting them or worse.

        As for number 3, well if it was an accident and there was nobody around in the middle of nowhere...possibly. I think most would consider it.
        Last edited by deathofaclown; 09-30-2021, 07:57 AM.


          That looks more like a bucket list of things I want to do before I hit 40.

          #4 happens all the time actually, but it doesn't count since Raheem, Hakeem, and Rakeem never paid me.

          #3 might have happened too, but if I'm too drunk to remember, it doesn't count either.
          GhostofDempsey GhostofDempsey likes this.


            Originally posted by BodyBagz View Post

            My inner me. Would have to get rid of every mirror.
            If Selma H were to drop dead right now and I had the chance ????
            C'mon, man. Necrophilia surely don't count if they're still warm...

            FWIW I have actually had a dog nuzzling the brown flower, think there mighta been a lick in there too but I was otherwise occupied at the time... and I surely didn't invite the hound's amorous attentions. Quite distracting in fact, plunging away at the former Ms Koba on the sofa when there's suddenly a cold wet touch on my bumhole... near jumped outta my skin.

            BodyBagz BodyBagz likes this.


              One of my roommates weirdo friends showed up at 2 AM and began pacing around the living room. He did several lines of coke and kept asking the roommate if I was cool. Apparently I am.

              This extremely high guy, who just got out of prison the prior week, started rambling about how he’s a good driver and that he is just looking to live a clean life now. That he messed up. Says that he hit a bicyclist and just kept driving.

              A week goes by and there are no news reports. Small town of less than 80 K and I didn’t hear anything by word of mouth either. That is until I was walking to KFC with one of my buddies. He says “last week a kid from my building parked his bike right here and went into the store when some guy jumped the curb and hit his bike and kept driving. Almost killed him”

              The coke head murdered a bike.
              Citizen Koba Citizen Koba likes this.


                Got plenty of stories for 3 and 5. Used a car as a weapon more than once, but they had it coming. They weren't innocent bystanders. No one was killed. One time a group of drunk frat boys were standing in the middle of the street and not moving. I tapped the horn and they responded by throwing beer bottles at my car and kicking the fenders. I went forward and reverse a few times, even got up on the sidewalk...azzholes and elbows went airborne. They sobered up real quick. lol.

                I was with a group of friends at a restaurant one night and someone from our group got into it with another group. The fight spilled out into the streets and it got crazy. Knives, tire irons, car antennas, etc., until one of my friends got in his car and mowed down the other group...fight over. No fatalities, and it likely saved some lives on both sides.

                Some junkie and his friends stole one of my friend's hubcaps off his new car. Then tried to sell them back to him one day while he was in the bar. He went for the guy and he got jumped by his accomplices. I reached out to a mutual friend who knew these guys and where they hung out. Asked him to tune the guy up a little. He was a druggie himself so he was all too happy to bust this kid up for a few fixes. Next time I saw the junkie he his eye was swollen shut and arm in a sling.
                Last edited by GhostofDempsey; 09-30-2021, 10:19 AM.
                Citizen Koba Citizen Koba likes this.


                  Originally posted by Rockybigblower View Post

                  Did you snitch him out?
                  I didnt , i knew deep down by working side by side with this guy that he was a wreck .

                  this was way bigfer than a mid lif crisis for him and the only reason the boss put up with him was that they got hired together 12 years before that
                  and were at one time buddies.

                  I thought to myself i can totally see him doing something like that and at the same time think he is full of shht . But i do think he did it , he was the type that only cared about himself , he lied , he hid things , he stole , and he was always hungover at work .

                  everybody at work knew he was a disaster and that he couldnt be trusted . He was the type that did badbthinking nobody saw


                    Originally posted by rockybigblower View Post

                    you have no shame.
                    Hey blower you blow your own dogs ******** and you say i have no shame


                      I knew this dude who sold little dime bags , he would sell to this hs baseball star. After like 2 months , that basebal star set up the dealer to be robbed ,car jacked and stripped naked at gun point and tried to play it off like he didnt know . Lets just say it wasnt hard figure out and that kid never walked the same again a month later .

                      he got set up after he set someone up by two teenage girls willing to do anything for a bowl of pot and paid a big price , just lucky it wasnt the ultimate price .

