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where were u when 9/11 happend?!?!?!?!!

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    ha ha funny **** boyyy




        i was sleeping but then my dad woke me up at around 8 by that time i think 1 or to planes hit and then i just thaught wow whats going on i thaught it was just nothing but then i look at my dad and is face is just like puzzled and deep down i knew **** was going down i just see smoke coming out and then when my dad says 2 planes im like what lol i just thaught again dawm eighter new york is lucky today lol or bad people are ****in up **** i then go to school and i will never forget but im walking threw the school halls late at around 9 and just see horror people sillent and still in there seats and as im walking theres tvs in all the classed on the wall where you could see them for educational videos and i just see douzens over and over as im walking down the hall to the end flashing of smoke crazy ****


          anymore stories?!?!?!?


            I was in art class in middle school.. the next period was health and that was all we could talk about. our teacher tried to resume the day as usual but eventually ended up discussing it with us because we were wondering what was going on and wouldn't shut up about it or pay attention.


              oh and initially, I heard we were bombed & that's what everyone was saying.
              our teacher let us know that it was a ********* attack that envolved planes being hijacked.
              the teachers were told not to turn on the news in the classrooms but some did anyway and we watched the second tower fall.


                I was in my 5th grade class


                  I was doing Dryvit at Langston subaru in murrysville PA outside Pittsburgh... **** was crazy there cuz it's semi close to where the fourth plane went down


                    6th grade class... trying to figure out what the fawk was going on


                      i remember hearing it on the radio in the car on my way to school in my 2nd year of university

