i was in the 8th grade, my teacher was like crying and sad, we didnt even have to do any work that day the teachers were so sad, i didnt know wtf was going on .
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where were u when 9/11 happend?!?!?!?!!
i remember the odd thing about that day was were i ever went, to get a haircut, visit a friend, everone was watchin the news and just in shock. It was craziest day ever.
I was in 5th grade in math class when my teacher told us what happened. I didnt think anything of it until i got home and watched on tv.
I was going on a trip to the WTC a week after the event happened with my history teacher. I remember because you know how everyone has to get their signed slips soon as possible? It was great because school just started and she said we would be taking a trip and she showed us clips on the school TV of it. I just couldn't wait to go and then on 9/11 I remember my history teacher leaving the class because another teacher came in and she didn't come back for a while. She came back all distraught and teary eyed but she didn't tell us what was wrong but a few weeks later she told us she was crying because she had family that worked in the towers and didn't know what happened to them.They announced what happened on the speakers and had contacted every parent so they could come get their kids. My cousin was actually on her way TO the WTC on a class trip that day. I was ****ed up that entire day wondering what happened to her but they were still on the bridge when it happened. That's one of those moments you will never ever forget. God bless those that died on that day, we will never forget you either.Last edited by SkillspayBills; 06-01-2010, 07:14 PM.
I was at work, at the bakery where i worked, this kid Andy came around saying two plains have just crashed into the twin towers, i was like, whats the twin towers Lol, then when i saw them, i thought, oh that building out of trading places.
I was at home watching on tv, it came on the BBC after the first plane hit, the natural assumption was that there had been a collision, then BAM! the second plane hit on live tv, clearly no accident, then it was just utter disbelief as events unfolded. I had (and still have) family in Manhattan, was never that worried as they live on the Upper East Side, well away from the TT, but it was some time before the phone lines were up to get confirmation they were ok. After that I just watched it for hours and hours, totally compelled by the footage and magnitude of it all.
Edit: this was the live footage I watched at the time
watching it again brings back the memory of the newscaster not reacting to the second plane flying into the building on screenLast edited by Weebler I; 06-01-2010, 09:32 PM.
I was in 9th grade in the Cayman Islands telling my american teacher who was telling us about to shut the **** up and let us play basketball.
Wasn't till I got home later on that day and my grandfather sat me down and explained the importance of what was happening, truly a sad day.