i've seen several videos and have read numerous stuff on all the evidence about 911 and im almost 100% sure that this devastating tragedy was set up by our own goverment for numerous reasons. It really is sad when you think about it and the blame the government puts on arab countries to solidify a war on "terror" against eastern countries in order to control the oil. Anyways here is a great website if any of ya'll are interested in reading on all the un-answered questions the government fails to acknowledge.
here is two clips from the site. the first one is the actual and ONLY video the government released from the pentagon crash. They claim a "747" hit the building but no one is buying it and they wont release video to back up their claim.
this is the actual video
and this is what it would look like if a 747 really would hit the pentagon
alot of interesting facts, questions, and very respectable theories on this site if you're interested
here is two clips from the site. the first one is the actual and ONLY video the government released from the pentagon crash. They claim a "747" hit the building but no one is buying it and they wont release video to back up their claim.
this is the actual video
and this is what it would look like if a 747 really would hit the pentagon
alot of interesting facts, questions, and very respectable theories on this site if you're interested