Watching this U-20 football (soccer) game between USA and Brazil. Damn, USA has come along way since I last watched the U-20's (about 2 years ago) in Minnesota in a friendly.
These 19, 20 year olds are literally close to as skillful as these Brazilian kids and they have more touch and skill then these English lads.
What's funny is these kids don't look like the typical ****** american kid and I am a little stunned....
But mark my words, USA will be a powerhouse in about 4 years in terms of soccer.
These 19, 20 year olds are literally close to as skillful as these Brazilian kids and they have more touch and skill then these English lads.
What's funny is these kids don't look like the typical ****** american kid and I am a little stunned....
But mark my words, USA will be a powerhouse in about 4 years in terms of soccer.