pink roses (my fav), a big white teddy bear and tonight were going to dinner and the desert will be in my paints lol it will be a good night for sure!!!!
pink roses (my fav), a big white teddy bear and tonight were going to dinner and the desert will be in my pants lol it will be a good night for sure!!!!
ok... now I re-read it.. in your pants!! ROFL!! Well I got nothing..but I am not surprised that is my present basically every year. I tell him it'd be nice to have something.. he doesn't really say anything. So ...
ok... now I re-read it.. in your pants!! ROFL!! Well I got nothing..but I am not surprised that is my present basically every year. I tell him it'd be nice to have something.. he doesn't really say anything. So ...
you should just get your man and drag him to dinner