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Final Fantasy XII

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    Originally posted by Shanus View Post
    I don't think I will.. FF7 and FF8 were the only good ones out of the entire series I thought.

    FF8 ******....It's FF7 and FF10 for me.


      Originally posted by Mech. View Post

      Well i never played 11,I only got to play this game a little bit so far.Is that really how the mmorpg played,you select an action and then run around till its your turn? Or am I missing something cause thats pointless as ****.I'll still play it of course,but Im not a fan of the battlesystem.

      I was looking forward to Rogue galaxies too,but now i dont know with the real time battle stuff.
      Yeah that's pretty much it. Don't get me wrong I play mmorpgs, i like them but Final Fantasy has always been traditional rpg style and the new one is far from it. I'm all for change, every FF game was different than the next but this change is too extreme for me b/c it's nothing like FF IMO. I will still play it of course, maby I will get used to it but I am very disappointed. I'm as big of a FF fan as you can, I'm a huge nerd when it comes to FF and this wasn't what I expected.


        Main Characters voice is less than inspiring...


          FFXII's battle system is hit or miss. If you're into the traditional menu based system then you won't like this. It's an overhaul but for once I felt that this change was good. I mean you really have to be a complete idiot if you can't figure out the Gambit system and put a few of them together. See the Gambit system is a tweak for the AI. Want your healer to cast Cure if anyone's HP falls below 40%? Done. Want someone to auto Phoenix Down a fallen comrade? Done. You get about 20 Gambit slots and i'm not even halfway through the game and I basically just walk up to the enemies and my pre-set AI commands clean house. It takes a bit to figure out the Gambits b/c first of all you have to find em, and then arrange them, but it makes the game much easier. Considering this is real-time combat that helps a lot. Otherwise this already massive game would take forever to get through. Give it a chance it's not bad.

          That said, as far as plot and chracterization go, this blows all other FF's off the map. The translation here is superb and so far all the characters are realistic mature people rather than foolish youngsters in grown up bodies. And in case you haven't heard the buzz, the voice acting in this game has set the new standard. The team in this game is more compelling because of the excellent voice work. Remember how annoying FFX was? Well the company learned it's lessons.

          Overall I think it's the best one since VI(III in the US).


            ffxii, story-wise is a little bit political for me. unlike the previous ff series, real-time fantasy fans will surely spot the difference. anyhow, they've improve a LOT in this ffxii series.

