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Favorite Game per Console

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    Favorite Game per Console

    I dunno why, just felt like doing it. I suppose there's a bit of, oh man we missed out, to share. A lot of my favorite games today I did not own as a child and a lot of the games I used to think of as best on a system I no longer hold so highly.

    Atari- **** Atari

    Amiga: Savage. I still love the music and even though the animations are **** to not even there I still enjoy playing. It's a side scrolling platformer, then a scrolling shooter, and finally a tank-like doomish shooter. Would love a remake. Been trying on OpenBor myself but I suck. I'll try on OpenSurge soon. I owned this as a kid which is probably why I'm still into it. Savage was my first video game period.

    NES: Holy Diver. I never have and never will play this game with it's music audible. I turn on Dio, and throw in some covers and ****, listen to the song the whole ****ing time. Side scrolling shooter like MegaMan except you are Randy ****ing Rhodes shooting fireballs at demons. ****ing metal. Found online in my teens. I even dumped a ***** over this game in HS.

    TurboGrafx: Spatterhouse, easily. If you even knew about this system back in the day then **** you. I felt so cheated when I first learned of TG16. I was in a town with a population under 2k. I didn't know **** all about no TG.

    Gensis: Sonic the ****ing Hedgehog and **** you if yer not down with the og of attitude. Owned this of course. Own every Sonic but there's nothing like the first time. MegaMan X in Sonic 2 is my favorite hack. Mega just ****s Sonic world up, way too badass for the badniks.

    SNES: Gunman's Proof. **** Zelda man. Name your boy Tom Sawyer and go shoot **** in ye olden westy 'merica. Found this one online a few years back. It's fun as ****. I like all those top down action games. More arcadey ones like Gaunlet to straight up story all the damn time like Mana, love them all, Gunman's Proof is the funnest.

    Playstation: FF7, because as an adult I love the PS too much to pick one, but, as a kid, chocobo racing my dude. I ****ing owned that **** then was disappointing until ff14. I got that, got to 60, breed my bird, owned that too and got bored no one was even close. I was a red mage. Kid me spent countless hours racing races I knew I'd win just because I loved the idea. Most my replays stopped after I dominated the saucer again.

    N64: Star Fox 64. Needs no justifcation. The N64 ******, it still sucks, it's just a **** console with **** games. Mario? Dude, playstation had Soul Reaver, kiss my ass. Golden Eye? ****ing boring. Smash was cool, Mario Kart was cool, Star Fox was and is the best though. Didn't own N64 but friends did. I hardly emulate this POS too.

    Saturn: Shinobi X. Did I just cut that dude in half and send blood at the screen? ****ing **** yes I did. This game is magnificent. Terrible FMVs, beautiful 2d world. I never owned a saturn.

    Dreamcast: Jet Grind Radio. Greatest system ever, greatest game ever, don't give a **** about any set. They changed it to grind because it's a cooler word you lame ass nerds. 'course I owned this.

    PS2: GTASA duh. Greatest GTA to date. Owned it.

    Xbox: KOTOR2 Only Jedi/Sith more powerful than anything the movies will ever touch on is the Exile. Dumped a ***** in HS over this one too. Fable is probably the one I have most solo hours in. Halo I didn't get the big deal but my friends loved it so I played a ****load of that too. KOTOR2 was the most interesting.

    GameCube: Smash Bros. I have brothers, we played a ****load. My older used Shiek, younger opts for Samus, I use Link. Owned them all except N64 but my dude did.

    360: Skylanders, my brother had a son who was the right age at the time and I wasn't playing games anymore so it's really about all I know on 360. I enjoyed playing it with him.

    PS3: My nephew liked Sly alot.

    Wii: Smash again

    PS4: The Sony Smash rip off whose name I forget

    Xbox One: Never played it. I don't even think exclusives and port differences are a thing anymore though. Not that this was exclusives it's just hard for me to separate One from 4. Played a lot of Skylanders on both and little else.

    WiiU: Smash again.

    Switch: Smash...duh.

    I ran out of steam after Sonic.

    I've got nothing to say


      NES- Original Zelda (Honorable mention to Mario 2)

      Game Boy- Godzilla (great underrated puzzle game and I didn't want to mention Tetris which I love also)

      Sega Genesis- Sonic 3 (Genesis is my favorite console of all time for sentimental reasons, so this was the hardest to answer)

      SNES- Chrono Trigger (My favorite RPG of all time, and I'm not even an RPG guy)

      PS1- Twisted Metal 2 (Could play this game all day)

      N64- Zelda: Ocarina of Time

      PS2- GTA Vice City

      PS3- Fight Night Round 3

      PS4- Not sure yet. Maybe Red Dead Redemption.


        Originally posted by Marchegiano View Post
        I dunno why, just felt like doing it. I suppose there's a bit of, oh man we missed out, to share. A lot of my favorite games today I did not own as a child and a lot of the games I used to think of as best on a system I no longer hold so highly.

        Atari- **** Atari

        Amiga: Savage. I still love the music and even though the animations are **** to not even there I still enjoy playing. It's a side scrolling platformer, then a scrolling shooter, and finally a tank-like doomish shooter. Would love a remake. Been trying on OpenBor myself but I suck. I'll try on OpenSurge soon. I owned this as a kid which is probably why I'm still into it. Savage was my first video game period.

        NES: Holy Diver. I never have and never will play this game with it's music audible. I turn on Dio, and throw in some covers and ****, listen to the song the whole ****ing time. Side scrolling shooter like MegaMan except you are Randy ****ing Rhodes shooting fireballs at demons. ****ing metal. Found online in my teens. I even dumped a ***** over this game in HS.

        TurboGrafx: Spatterhouse, easily. If you even knew about this system back in the day then **** you. I felt so cheated when I first learned of TG16. I was in a town with a population under 2k. I didn't know **** all about no TG.

        Gensis: Sonic the ****ing Hedgehog and **** you if yer not down with the og of attitude. Owned this of course. Own every Sonic but there's nothing like the first time. MegaMan X in Sonic 2 is my favorite hack. Mega just ****s Sonic world up, way too badass for the badniks.

        SNES: Gunman's Proof. **** Zelda man. Name your boy Tom Sawyer and go shoot **** in ye olden westy 'merica. Found this one online a few years back. It's fun as ****. I like all those top down action games. More arcadey ones like Gaunlet to straight up story all the damn time like Mana, love them all, Gunman's Proof is the funnest.

        Playstation: FF7, because as an adult I love the PS too much to pick one, but, as a kid, chocobo racing my dude. I ****ing owned that **** then was disappointing until ff14. I got that, got to 60, breed my bird, owned that too and got bored no one was even close. I was a red mage. Kid me spent countless hours racing races I knew I'd win just because I loved the idea. Most my replays stopped after I dominated the saucer again.

        N64: Star Fox 64. Needs no justifcation. The N64 ******, it still sucks, it's just a **** console with **** games. Mario? Dude, playstation had Soul Reaver, kiss my ass. Golden Eye? ****ing boring. Smash was cool, Mario Kart was cool, Star Fox was and is the best though. Didn't own N64 but friends did. I hardly emulate this POS too.

        Saturn: Shinobi X. Did I just cut that dude in half and send blood at the screen? ****ing **** yes I did. This game is magnificent. Terrible FMVs, beautiful 2d world. I never owned a saturn.

        Dreamcast: Jet Grind Radio. Greatest system ever, greatest game ever, don't give a **** about any set. They changed it to grind because it's a cooler word you lame ass nerds. 'course I owned this.

        PS2: GTASA duh. Greatest GTA to date. Owned it.

        Xbox: KOTOR2 Only Jedi/Sith more powerful than anything the movies will ever touch on is the Exile. Dumped a ***** in HS over this one too. Fable is probably the one I have most solo hours in. Halo I didn't get the big deal but my friends loved it so I played a ****load of that too. KOTOR2 was the most interesting.

        GameCube: Smash Bros. I have brothers, we played a ****load. My older used Shiek, younger opts for Samus, I use Link. Owned them all except N64 but my dude did.

        360: Skylanders, my brother had a son who was the right age at the time and I wasn't playing games anymore so it's really about all I know on 360. I enjoyed playing it with him.

        PS3: My nephew liked Sly alot.

        Wii: Smash again

        PS4: The Sony Smash rip off whose name I forget

        Xbox One: Never played it. I don't even think exclusives and port differences are a thing anymore though. Not that this was exclusives it's just hard for me to separate One from 4. Played a lot of Skylanders on both and little else.

        WiiU: Smash again.

        Switch: Smash...duh.

        I ran out of steam after Sonic.
        Well if you put on Dio, then why not play Holy Diver by Dio if you're actually playing Holy Diver? With Atari, it depends. 2600 I didn't play too much. Boxing was okay. They came out with a pretty good Raiders of the Lost Ark game. There's this now infamous ET, considered the worst game just as much as Plan 9 From Outer Space is considered the worst movie, even though neither one is really the worst and are both somewhat enjoyable.

        Atari 7800 has some enjoyable titles. There's a Ninja Golf game and a home port of the Mat Mania wrestling game which was big in the arcade. I believe it was also the first backwards compatible console, also playing 2600 carts, so that was pretty cool at the time.

        NES- I'd probably go with Mike Tyson's Punch Out, which was later just called Punch Out when the license to use Tyson's likeness ran out. It's just so damn fun to knock out all the cartoonish opponents once you learn all their patterns. I believe King Hippo is the only one who isn't a palette swap. Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street are pretty fun, despite what you've heard. For old school games, I mostly prefer brawlers and shooters though, so Abadox, Double Dragon 2 and Contra are fun as well.

        Didn't play Genesis much, but Streets of Rage I played recently on a compilation disc, so that series.

        SNES- WWF Raw. LJN finally got wrestling games right in the 16 bit era. The NES ones ******. Royal Rumble was good too.

        PS1- Resident Evil: Director's Cut because it added auto targeting, which wasn't in the original version. Silent Hill is a great horror game too and classic series, but I enjoy the sequels a little more on the PS2.

        F*** N64, carts were out and discs were in by that time lol

        PS2- GTA: Vice City-I love GTA games so much, I actually maxed out my stats on it, even my criminal ratings and flight rankings. Still working on 100 flight hours to reach the top Ace ranking in Vice City. I passed 30 last time I played it. You guys try to do that in GTA Vice City or San Andreas? Also love Bully, another Rockstar title and replay it from time to time.

        Haven't played much past that generation except some 360. Dead Rising and LA Noire were great. Working on finishing up retro collections before getting newer stuff, but definitely want to get at least X Box One and the new X Box or PS 5. Wanna check out that Friday the 13th game that came out a few years ago and the WWE 2K series, which looks decent. Heard 2K20 was really glitchy though.


          Originally posted by Anthony342 View Post
          Well if you put on Dio, then why not play Holy Diver by Dio if you're actually playing Holy Diver?
          I am. I do not contest Dio's original, It is the best, but a full video game is long and one song on repeat loses its power. Like becoming white noise....well at least for me.

          I usually mix in Pat Boone's version here and there. Which is Vegas as ****. Sometimes the heavy-heavy one, think that was done by KillSwitch? Steven Seagals is another with a good Holy Diver cover I'll throw in. Just for a bit of variety during a long play. Usually if I play for like an hour I'll have thrown Pat in just once. It's really just for a change so that when Dio comes back the whole mood is recaptured.

          **** it, I'll grab the youtubes:

          I like all the styles so I've a playlist timed out so that Dio's going to repeat fo about 20 mins then Pat'll come in once and then another 20 mins of dio, and that's pretty much all the time I have for gaming anyway so I'm usually done in the last 20 Dio block but if it kept going it'd his the others eventually.


            Originally posted by Marchegiano View Post
            I am. I do not contest Dio's original, It is the best, but a full video game is long and one song on repeat loses its power. Like becoming white noise....well at least for me.

            I usually mix in Pat Boone's version here and there. Which is Vegas as ****. Sometimes the heavy-heavy one, think that was done by KillSwitch? Steven Seagals is another with a good Holy Diver cover I'll throw in. Just for a bit of variety during a long play. Usually if I play for like an hour I'll have thrown Pat in just once. It's really just for a change so that when Dio comes back the whole mood is recaptured.

            **** it, I'll grab the youtubes:

            I like all the styles so I've a playlist timed out so that Dio's going to repeat fo about 20 mins then Pat'll come in once and then another 20 mins of dio, and that's pretty much all the time I have for gaming anyway so I'm usually done in the last 20 Dio block but if it kept going it'd his the others eventually.
            The Killswitch is actually the alternate name of wrestler Christian's finishing move. Also known as The Unprettier:


              PS1 - Resident Evil 2
              PS2 - GTA Vice City
              Xbox - KOTOR
              Xbox 360 - Halo Reach
              PS3 - Uncharted
              Xbox One - Destiny
              PS4 - Fifa

              Only played a few games on PS4 and Xbone for the online play. PC is full of cheaters on online games. PC is far better for single player games though.


                how can anyone have just 1 favourite game on the original playstation? the console was stacked with amazing games. best console of all time.


                  N64- Star fox 64, Golden Eye, Harvest Moon

                  PS - Any Metal Gear (Sons of Liberty I beat on expert, pick up your panties boys)

                  FIFA (any)

                  I lost interest in gaming to be honest.

                  The greatest ever though ? Heavy Rain.


                    Older games RE1, RE2, AND RE3, as as well as the Silent Hill games. I still play any Resident Evil game, as well as Life is Strange, Detroit Become Human, Red Dead Redemption 2, Twin Mirror, Heavy Rain, Vampyr, GTA, Uncharted, Tomb Raider.

                    I mostly just like games that have story with some action/adventure.

