Yes this is for real.
From the Get Well Gamers Foundation
By clicking this link.
From now until 5-21-06,Each click generates adrevenue that gets donated.For more info.
From the Get Well Gamers Foundation
The Get-Well Gamers Foundation was founded in 2001 with the goal of bringing video game systems and games to children's hospitals. Video games are an effective and proven pain management tool and provide needed entertainment during long hospital stays.
From now until 5-21-06,Each click generates adrevenue that gets donated.For more info.
Hey I want to help out! What can I do?
Tell everyone you know about this, friends, co-workers and ninjas can all click on the banner or the link to help us raise money. Here are some other ways to help: post news about this in your blog, make a ******* announcement or add a link on your forum signature. If you feel even more generous please contact us or Get Well Gamers on how you can make an individual donation.
Tell everyone you know about this, friends, co-workers and ninjas can all click on the banner or the link to help us raise money. Here are some other ways to help: post news about this in your blog, make a ******* announcement or add a link on your forum signature. If you feel even more generous please contact us or Get Well Gamers on how you can make an individual donation.