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Dragons Dogma

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    I decided yesterday to give it another shot and started another character (assassins for those who want to know). The combat while not as good as dark souls due to the fact the hit detection can be off, the clipping and the fact I can't bloody roll until I purchase it as a skill is still very very good. Graphics aren't bad, monster design is good, atmosphere great.

    Everything else about this game is horrible though, I have played the game for a day and am just finishing the Wyrm Hunter quests. The quest system isn't just bad, it is a broken, buggy mess. I was trying to get the gold idol, to do that I had to do the land of opportunity quest. Fine. Spoke to the mother, son and father got his families approval. Go back to talk to Jasper, hes gone. Not loaded into the game. Had to quit game, reload he was there finally sure whatever thats just one time right?

    Did the cypher quest - tells me to find someone with more knowledge about the cypher after speaking to two people in a sort of boring fetch quest scenario I get to the bit where I have to speak to the courier except he too is nowhere to be found, no quest marker. Reload the game, there he is finally.

    Have to speak to ser Max to start Wyrm hunter quests after going to everwoods (or whatever) cool, he hands me the wyrm hunter license and disappeared into thin air before finishing his sentence. Have to look at quest guide to find that he waits outside the dukes castle but guess what? He isn't there, reload the game, he appears.

    The Pawns are bloody annoying too, they need to shut up, voice acting and script is poor. Story at the moment seems terrible and most reviewers seem to agree.

    Gave the game another shot and despite having some really good ideas like the combat, atmosphere, pawn system. The game itself isn't good enough to ever make me consider buying it. A sequel might sort out the issues, I got it free through PS Plus so outside of sinking a few wasted hours into it at least I didn't buy it. Its a game that could have stood to have another 6-12 months of development time before they released it.


      Originally posted by Ryn0 View Post
      I decided yesterday to give it another shot and started another character (assassins for those who want to know). The combat while not as good as dark souls due to the fact the hit detection can be off, the clipping and the fact I can't bloody roll until I purchase it as a skill is still very very good. Graphics aren't bad, monster design is good, atmosphere great.

      Everything else about this game is horrible though, I have played the game for a day and am just finishing the Wyrm Hunter quests. The quest system isn't just bad, it is a broken, buggy mess. I was trying to get the gold idol, to do that I had to do the land of opportunity quest. Fine. Spoke to the mother, son and father got his families approval. Go back to talk to Jasper, hes gone. Not loaded into the game. Had to quit game, reload he was there finally sure whatever thats just one time right?

      Did the cypher quest - tells me to find someone with more knowledge about the cypher after speaking to two people in a sort of boring fetch quest scenario I get to the bit where I have to speak to the courier except he too is nowhere to be found, no quest marker. Reload the game, there he is finally.

      Have to speak to ser Max to start Wyrm hunter quests after going to everwoods (or whatever) cool, he hands me the wyrm hunter license and disappeared into thin air before finishing his sentence. Have to look at quest guide to find that he waits outside the dukes castle but guess what? He isn't there, reload the game, he appears.

      The Pawns are bloody annoying too, they need to shut up, voice acting and script is poor. Story at the moment seems terrible and most reviewers seem to agree.

      Gave the game another shot and despite having some really good ideas like the combat, atmosphere, pawn system. The game itself isn't good enough to ever make me consider buying it. A sequel might sort out the issues, I got it free through PS Plus so outside of sinking a few wasted hours into it at least I didn't buy it. Its a game that could have stood to have another 6-12 months of development time before they released it.

      Ps plus I'm assuming is playstation store or something? I've not had a bug yet that I can recall. That sucks big time for you. i'd stop playing to with all those hickups.


        Originally posted by Bushbaby View Post
        Ps plus I'm assuming is playstation store or something? I've not had a bug yet that I can recall. That sucks big time for you. i'd stop playing to with all those hickups.
        Its sort of like Xbox Live for PS4 but for PS3 you get several free games per months (free except you pay like £40 a year but I think its like $50 in the US).

        I'm the sort of person who will try and stick it out until the end because having an unfinished game bugs the hell out of me so I think I will finish it eventually. That said if the game got a sequel I would absolutely buy it its a OK game with the potential to be a great one if they fixed the bugs and clipping, added a decent story, made pawns more interesting and changed the quest system and leveling (how is it I can't tell whether a monster is way to high a level for me until it one shots me?) and for the love of god add free fast travelling from the start. Running between Gran Soren and the opening areas 20 times in the opening few hours had me pulling me hair out because of having to wait for my stamina to regen.

        However, I do understand that when the game works and your in full flow against a big monster it is really fun. Everything in between lets it down.

