Let's talk about achievements and trophies again.
Let me be clear here : I'm not talking about achievements/trophies that are universally considered to be extremely daunting to attain, I'm talking about achievements/trophies that proved difficult for you. And if you have any of those aforementioned daunting ones, you can go ahead and share that, as well.
Keeping with that particular theme : 'Mile High Club' on COD4 has to be the easiest of the universally recognized "difficult" achievements/trophies to earn. I picked up COD4 in the bargain bin a few months back and only had to attempt that particular mission about 12 times before I ended up getting it.
The only real problem I had with it was the piss poor level design in which you seem to get "hung up" on certain corners for no apparent reason. Namely at the start of the level and then again at the end of the corridor prior to the hostage room.
As for easier achievements that were a pain in the ass for me, I'd have to say 'The Real Deal' and 'Still Something To Prove' on L4D2. I finally managed to get the latter but I've still yet to unlock the former. Expert realism is a mother****er.
Let me be clear here : I'm not talking about achievements/trophies that are universally considered to be extremely daunting to attain, I'm talking about achievements/trophies that proved difficult for you. And if you have any of those aforementioned daunting ones, you can go ahead and share that, as well.
Keeping with that particular theme : 'Mile High Club' on COD4 has to be the easiest of the universally recognized "difficult" achievements/trophies to earn. I picked up COD4 in the bargain bin a few months back and only had to attempt that particular mission about 12 times before I ended up getting it.
The only real problem I had with it was the piss poor level design in which you seem to get "hung up" on certain corners for no apparent reason. Namely at the start of the level and then again at the end of the corridor prior to the hostage room.
As for easier achievements that were a pain in the ass for me, I'd have to say 'The Real Deal' and 'Still Something To Prove' on L4D2. I finally managed to get the latter but I've still yet to unlock the former. Expert realism is a mother****er.