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    The clinch is all messed up honestly. Its too hard to clinch, and its too hard to get out of a clinch once you're in one.

    Also, we have an in game ref? Why the hell doesn't he break up clinches?
    So many people complained that they wanted an in the ring ref, but i say whats the point if hes not going to do anything but get in the way of the camera angle?


      I really think they should have pushed this out with a patch before ever
      thinking about releasing DLC, but that's just me, what do I know


        clinch is messed up alright.

        I'd like to see some sort of adrenaline boost for aggressive Tyson/forman/Liston types early on too ... these guys should be beasts in the first and second rounds. I'd suggest a much higher chance of them getting the 'flashing full stamina' in the first round or two after they have landed a good few punches. Would encourage them to be more aggressive and their opponents to be more defensive/cautious in the opening round.

        guys with lost of heart ala frazier ... it should be much easier for them to get up after the first few knockdowns.

        guys known to be awesome at fighting back when hurt ala holyfield maybe a 25% chance of 'full flashing stamina' for a brief period after recovering from a stun or getting up from a knockdown?


          i love whoopin dudes

          the other day i kick some dudes ass with Winky n he had Andre Bishop lol


            I hate this game for one reason and one reason only your stamina drops to fast it doesn't matter how I fight I can box and barely get hit and my stamina's gone or I can brawl and my stamina's gone I play against the computer beat his ass and knock him down and he gets more stamina at the end of the round then I do wtf kinda crap is that.

            Also you can hit a guy with every punch in the book including big haymakers and he's cool but will stun you with a jab this game sucks the foot work sucks the punching sucks unless your throwing combinations and the score cards are ridiculas some times positive not the graphics are cool and they have bare nuckle fights and you get a middle weight jones and ww Whitaker can't complain there.


              its a boxing video game, n boxing is about hitting n not getting hit

              so u have to be smart about ur punches, u gotta think defense n use your jab, i only play on head2head n no matter what fighter i choose i usually end the fight with my stamina around 85% to 100% but usually i end in the 90s, people always like throw punch after punch n thats how u drain quik, u gotta throw punches smart

              the only problem i have with the game is the judging, they always seem to favor the high rating fighter

