Go to settings:
Set ref damage awareness the lowest possible(not zero)
Lower the ref foul awareness
Set boxer physical damage high
Set boxer stamina high
Set camera angle on "Broadcast"(makes it look like you are watching a live fight, you can move around the ring and end up on which ever side you want...you dont have to be either on the left or right side you can move all around any angle at any time like watching a real fight.
This made me fall in love with the game, thanks to EA for giving us these options.
Set ref damage awareness the lowest possible(not zero)
Lower the ref foul awareness
Set boxer physical damage high
Set boxer stamina high
Set camera angle on "Broadcast"(makes it look like you are watching a live fight, you can move around the ring and end up on which ever side you want...you dont have to be either on the left or right side you can move all around any angle at any time like watching a real fight.
This made me fall in love with the game, thanks to EA for giving us these options.