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Spy vs Spy

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    Spy vs Spy

    Anybody pick this up for Xbox?

    I picked it up a few weeks ago and gave it a whirl...It is a solid strategy game and well worth more than the $14.99 I had paid for it.

    The online mode is slick and even has classic mode just like the original.

    If you are a fan of spy vs spy, I recommend picking it up and if you already got it we should play online sometime..

    Very fun...Overall it gets a B.


    i used to play that all the time back in the day on regular nintendo. that game was mad fun to me, setting traps, looking for keys. i forgot it came out for xbox, im gonna have to try to play that.


      Originally posted by Mr. Lonely
      i used to play that all the time back in the day on regular nintendo. that game was mad fun to me, setting traps, looking for keys. i forgot it came out for xbox, im gonna have to try to play that.

      It is actually better than the original, I havent gotten used to the "modern" mode online but the classic mode is awesome. You can play up to 25 rooms at a time searching for the items you need to win. It's funny as hell placing stuff in the safes and when your opponent opens it something happens, Normally though I like to creep up on my opponents and they will start hitting me and I will run into the next room and when they open the door an acid bucket falls on them or I bust out a chainsaw and have it...

      Very humorous, Story mode is a ***** but well done also.

      Well worth $14.99


        I've a PS2. If it comes out for that I'll pick it up. I'm really looking for some good games now. I'm playing Mafia on the PS2 right now. Game is pissing me off with its ridiculous loading times. Probably beat it in another week or so. Then I'm going to play the original The Getaway. Then the Hitman 2 and Hitman 3 games.

        Is Punisher any good at all? Anybody know? Seems like most the comic book character games suck.


          RE:Spy v spy

          Man thats a real classic of a game aI used 2 play it when it was on the c64 lol/no bs Its 1 of the all time classics (especially the second 1)


            Spy vs Spy ruled for Nintendo. I think I still have it somewhere.

