Originally posted by DJ_WooDoX
I agree it is a pretty decent system overall but the price just kills it and the screen will get scratched heavily if the person doesnt get one of those screen protectors or take VERY good care of it...But overall it gets a B-...It still doesnt compete with the Gameboy series though (the DS isnt a gameboy)
Id pick one up maybe for $19.99 but it isnt even the price of the console that upsets me its the fact I have to pay 50 dollars for a game....Reduce the price on the games and the systems will increase in sales...I think that is the major barrier.
$149.99 with 20-35 dollar games would be sufficient.
The Roo-Buy a gameboy and then get one of the flash cards you can upload games onto it and play it on your gameboy even play movies I've got one for my DS...Its great not paying for games haha.