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What to get fight night round 4 or Infamous?

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    What to get fight night round 4 or Infamous?

    I'm thinking infamous since I'm sure they allow custom controls. I think with this whole fiasco with the controls and I still don't believe they will change them because the creators of the game seem like the kids who were picked on at school. I'm sorry I picked on you at school dorky fat game creators who make the character models have the same fat body as the game creators have. Oh well, I'll stick with fight night round 3. I'm thinking infamous will be a better overall game even if its not a sports game. What do you people think? Infamous or wait for fight night round 4?
    Fight Night Round 4, they will seriously allow custom controls
    Infamous, this game looks better even though its not a sports game
    Im getting both so i don't care what advice I have to give to you

    how bout you stop complaining and either learn the controls or simply don't play?


      Originally posted by ИATAS206 View Post
      how bout you stop complaining and either learn the controls or simply don't play?
      I'm thinking you can ignore my topics if they bother you so much, better yet put me on ignore. Thanks, now be gone.
      Last edited by ACHlLLES; 05-17-2009, 01:40 PM.


        Always played on default settings are the buttons better?


          Infamous looks damn good but...I got 2/3 years of gameplay from the last Fight Night game. Unless this one is ****ed up, then I'll probably be playing it for a long time. I'm not sure if Infamous will have the same level of replay value, it might only entertain me for a few days.

          I'll probably get both, but if I had to choose then FNR4.


            Oh for christ sake Achilles. If you can grasp TPC, then you are a fully grown mongaloid and don't deserve to play FNR4. Just shut up moaning, and learn the new controls it doesn't take long, stop acting like a spoilt child.

            Oh the same 'fat dorky' game makers who are now making more money then you will ever make? Instead you come on a boxers forum to ***** about people you've never met, nor will you ever. You're pathetic.

