BALANCED- Your Boxer moves back and forth a little bit with both his hands at
his chest.
SPEED- Your Boxer hops back forth with his power hand right below his chin and
and his lead hand at his waist.
POWER- Much like Balanced style except your Boxer barely moves his feet or
SMOOTH- This is Muhammad Ali's Style in which your boxer keeps both his hands
at his waist and moves back and forth. This style is fast and your boxer jogs
around the ring when he moves. Unlocked by beating Muhammad Ali in career mode
BULLY- Your Boxer moves back and forth a little and stands with his power hand
at his chest and his lead hand at his stomach.
SLICKSTER- Your Boxer leans back and forth a little with his power hand at his
chest and his lead hand by his upper thigh. Unlocked by beating
ELUSIVE- A variation of the speed style( and Roy Jones Jr.'s style) where your
boxer's power hand is beside his cheek and his lead hand is moving a circle at
his chest level. Unlocked by beating Roy Jones Jr.
UPRIGHT- Your Boxer leans back a little and keeps his hands moving in a small
circle at chest level.
TEXTBOOK- Boxer leans forward and has both hands at chest level. Power hand is
a little bit behind lead hand. About same movement as Balanced style.
MUMMY- Looks exactly how it sounds. Boxer leans back a little more than
upright style and barely moves his hands, just moves his body a tiny bit.
I think I unlocked this after I beat Rey Mo.
WILD- Kind of a taunting style in part because your boxers hands are at his
sides and he is leaning forward with a above average amount of body movement
back and forth.
Power Styles designed to more damage with less movement:
Mummy, Power, Wild, Slickster
Speed styles designed more for movement and combos with less power:
Elusive, Speed, Smooth
Well-Balanced styles( No tilt to movement or power):
Balanced, Textbook, Upright
FAST- This Punch style is where the fun is at( at least for me). The name of
style pretty much tells you what you can expect. Extremely fast punches and
probably the combo style in the game. Of course you know power is sacrificed
for the speed so your punches won't really be hurting your opponent as much as
they would be in a basic or power style.
Strenghts- SPEED, SPEED, and more SPEED!! When I say your pucnhes come out
fast I mean they come out fast!! If you parry a hook,a 5-punch combo is almost
routine. To put the speed in perspective for you, a hook or cross from the
fast is the same speed as a straight from the basic style. The recovery speed
on these punches is also excellent assuming they aren't parried( speed doesn't
matter in this case). Best punches are hooks and crosses. Also put jabs and
straights in front of these and watch the hits pile up.
Weaknesses- The only weakness I have come to notice in this style if the lack
of power behind your punches. Of course this can be improved upon by raising
your power rating and wearing equipment to bolster you power.
Rating= 10- In my eyes the second best style in the game behind the elusive
style. The loss of power is regrettable but when you see how fast your punches
are coming and connecting you will quickly forget about the power. Also if you
hit an opponent 300 times in about 4 ot 5 rounds( if your aggresive) his face
will either be cut or swollen beyond belief or both which means this could
lead to a drawn out fight stoppage. Excellent choice for making the game
SLUGGER- This style will put your opponent in a world of hurt really quick.
The devastating Hooks, crosses, and uppercuts that come from this style are
disgusting because they are so strong. Parry a punch and land 3 hook/crosses
or 2 hooks and uppercut and watch a 1/4 of that life bar go. Of course all
of this power means nothing against a fast opponent because you won't be able
to hit them. The powerful blows take a little time to come out and can be
countered with a good placement of jabs which can add up little by little.
Strengths- Damn are those punches strong!! If your opponent is unlucky enough
to have one of his punches parried he will be on the mat real quick,
guaranted. The speed of the punches can be countered by not swinging away and
waiting for the right shot to rip his head off his shoulders.
Weaknesses- Speed. The only weakness this style has. And if your punches are
just blocked the recovery is slow because they are just devastating shots.
Also the punches take up a little bit more energy than the styles above but
when you think about the force behind them, do you really care?
Rating= 9- You would think that the style wouldn't be balanced but it is. Not
fast by any measurement but enough to catch your opponent sleeping. Also
Haymakers in this style are also devastating. It you like to see your opponent
cringe at your blows than the Slugger style is for you. The speed really isn't
that big of issue but it can become one(Try Fighting Ali with Joe Frazier and
you'll see what I am talking about). Smart speed boxer will annihilate a
slugger because they waste alot of energy throwing punches that are missing.
HARD STRAIGHTS- As the name of the style says, this sytle will have you rely
on those hard straights which are kind of hard. Unfortunately the rest of
punches in this style are slow especially the hook and cross. Average
recovery time means that you will be countered quite a little bit because your
arm won't come up fast enough to stop the blow.
Strengths- If you have advantage in reach over your opponent, this style would
be good because the straight has good reach and you can tag your opponent
from afar.
Weaknesses- Maybe it's just me but I don't like slow combos or slow styles and
this style is slow and you should wait for your shot because your not going
to be able to get inside and start pounding away not fast enough. Also for the
slowdown in the crosses and hooks the power is about the same in the basic
mode so use this if you want slower punches and a small raise in power.
Rating= 6- This style really doesn't work. You sacrifice some speed for a
small boost in power. If possible stay away from this one it will give you
a couple of losses in the futute.
SINISTER CROSS- From what I have seen when I used this style,Your punches come
out just as fast as the Fast punch style. The difference is When you throw
your cross it does a little bit more damage( pay attention and you'll see the
difference). Between this style and the fast style, they are essentially the
same except for difference in power so I guess that would make this style
better, but once again this is my opinion.
Strengths- Same as the fast style except stronger crosses.
Weaknesses- Also same as fast style though not so much because of the power
increase in the cross.
Rating= 10- Another fast style that makes the game easier if can counter
effectively, protect yourself and keep your opponent off balance and at a
LEATHAL UPPERCUTS- Just as the name implies the uppercuts in this style are
lethal. The are big and sweeping uppercuts but when they hit they HIT!! Talk
about damage. You won't be throwing a lot of jab/straight combos(because they
are slow), your crosses are moderately fast but they do damage. If you love
to throw uppercuts(this is one of my brothers favorite styles) then you will
like this style simply for the damage it will do when you land a devastating
Strengths- Lethal Uppercuts!! This is the best part of this style. You can
also throw the crosses and be happy with the powerful hits you will deliver.
Weaknesses- Your jab and your straight are kind of slow but that is about the
worst you are going to find in this style. Watch out when you throw your
uppercuts though because they can be countered really easy with a quick jab
or straight or any fast punch that lands before you connect with the punch.
Rating= 9- Like I said before if you like to throw uppercuts you will get them
off with a good amount of damage and will also enjoy throwing crosses and
hooks. As long as you watch yourself when you throw your uppercuts you
eliminate your opponent brutally and easily.
HOOK MASTER- As soon as you throw your hook you will see why the style has
it's name. Your hook comes out slower than it normally would but the damage
done is equivalent to a hook in the power style. Your jabs, straights, and
crosses are all slower and the recovery time for your punches is fairly slow.
Strengths- The Hook... Plain and simple. That is the only benefit in using
this style. The Hooks are strong and if you love to **** it back and throw
this punch, the damage done by one would make you smile.
Weaknesses- Whereas the hook is the strong point of this style, all your other
punches suffer in speed and recovery time as a result. As I said before all
your other punches( except the Uppercut and haymakers) are slow and do a
little more damage than they normally would.
Rating= 6- While the hook is one of my favorite punches, I just can't
recommend using this style because all your other punches are slow. As usual
this is my opinion and if you like to throw slow, moderately damaging punches
then you would like this style.
JUDGE JAB- Another Fast style( You get from Ali). This is the same as the fast
style except your jabs are stronger. All your other punches are just as fast
as they were in the fast style and the recovery speed is also the same as the
fast style. Unlocked after be beating Muhammad Ali.
Strengths- If You love to throw your jab repeatedly the you'll love this style
because the jab is a bit slower but it's stronger. Your other punches are
still lightning fast and the recovery speed hasn't changed.
Weaknesses- As usual with the fast punch styles the power your punches will do
is the only disadvantage. With this style also the speed loss in the jab is a
minor problem and will slow down you jab/straight combo a little bit.
Rating= 9.5- You will rattle your opponent's head with the speed at which
these punches will come out and the added power to the jab doesn't hurt
either. Of course with the right equipment and training you can increase the
amount of damage you do thus getting rid of the style's only weakness.
CLASSIC- The basic blocking style in which your boxers gloves are covering his
face. His left arm is in front of his left breast and his right arm is in
front of his right breast. The middle of his stomach is unguarded.
Strenghts- Well Balanced Blocking style. Will take little or no damage from
blocking punches.
Weaknesses- Has a slower counter speed but more often than not won't matter
unless you parry alot of jabs.
CROSS- One of the new blocking styles in Fight Night Round 3. This has your
boxer covering the upper part of his chest and his face but his entire
stomach is unguarded.
Strengths- With this style you will take less damage from blocking your face.
Weaknesses- You will take more damage from blows to your body an also your
countering speed is a little faster than the classic style.
PHILLY SHELL- The other new Blocking style and also the best looking. Your
boxer's power hand is just above his left shoulder and his lead hand is
covering the bottom of his stomach.
Strengths- With this style you will be able to counter easily and strike off
that counter just as fast.
Weaknesses- You will take more damage from blocking punches in this style than
you would if you were using the other two.