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Tretton: Sony Considering PSP with Hard Drive

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    Tretton: Sony Considering PSP with Hard Drive

    According to Jack Tretton, Sony is considering a PSP with a hard drive. Tretton reportedly said that "with the recently announced ability to purchase movies on a PlayStation 3 and move them over to a PlayStation Portable, and as the cost of memory continues to drop, the chance that a new PlayStation Portable would include some sort of internal storage option is becoming increasingly likely."

    To quote: Sony has thought about and continues to play around with the idea of building a PlayStation Portable with a built in hard drive or internal memory, Jack Tretton, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said this morning at a gather of game writers.

    "I think we definitely thought about it," he said. "I think that's the trend moving forward."

    With the recently announced ability to purchase movies on a PlayStation 3 and move them over to a PlayStation Portable, and as the cost of memory continues to drop, the chance that a new PlayStation Portable would include some sort of internal storage option is becoming increasingly likely, Tretton said.