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Sony-Backed Blu-ray Wins: Will Sony's PS3 Follow Suit?

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    Sony-Backed Blu-ray Wins: Will Sony's PS3 Follow Suit?

    After the victory of Blu-ray format over HD DVD (Toshiba announced yesterday that they would halt production of HD DVD players and recorders, and would stop shipping to retailers by the end of March), will the PLAYSTATION 3 follow suit?

    Is it possible that, although the PLAYSTATION 3 has started more slowly than the other consoles, that it will pick up momentum, and ultimately win the console wars?

    After the fall of HD DVD, backed by Microsoft, and the lack of DVD support in the Wii (and no high definition support, either), it's understandable that consumers will want the most affordable player for the next generation of video (Blu-ray). Because of the fact that the PLAYSTATION 3 console is cheaper than the vast majority of current Blu-ray players, and that the PLAYSTATION 3 will continue to fall in price in comparison, it is the most viable option for those wishing to watch movies in high definition.

    Not only is the PLAYSTATION 3 now one of the cheapest players on the market for the only next generation video format, it also has a stockpile of highly anticipated games coming out for it in 2008. Games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Killzone 2 are games that will push the PLAYSTATION 3 over the edge, and give it a year as good as or better than Xbox 360's lineup during the last holiday season (Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo 3). Any gamer who has sat on their haunches waiting for a definitive reason to buy a next generation console, and any consumer waiting for the format war to unravel, now is a very good time to buy the PLAYSTATION 3.

    So how will the PLAYSTATION 3 fair in comparison to the Wii and Xbox 360 in the next two years? With Blu-ray now becoming the official next generation format for video, and the console having a hit lineup throughout 2008, I would expect the console to nearly double its sales by the end of 2008, and be greatly outpacing the sales of the other two consoles by the end of 2009. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around this year, and the inevitable shopping for the holidays begins, the PLAYSTATION 3 will be at the top of millions of peoples' most wanted list, both for games and for movies. Does that mean the PLAYSTATION 3 will win the console war?

    Only time will tell, but stay tuned to find out...



      2008, PS3 will turn the tide in its favor.

      360 will slowly fade.


        When do those games come out? As that is one great linup right there for this year. GTA 4 will be unbelievable!

