So far my favorite game EVER, PS3 finally has a 5 stars title...anyone else got it???.......
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Ratchet and Clank:Tools of Destruction
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Well I’d say it’s the systems 4th 5 star game after flOw, Virtua Tennis and Oblivian but seriously, it’s about time the system had a good platformer comparable to the ones on Wii/360. The visuals are awesome, sound and music were top notch to as were the creative weapons and gadgets.
It’ll keep me happy until the real reason to live comes to the PS3, The Orange Box!!!
I've been hooked on Heavenly Sword for the past 2 weeks. Just started R&C last night. It's quite fun. Amazing graphics. I can't believe it's on par with the cut scenes. Wish I had a better TV to really appreciate the graphics better.
What are your names?
Anyone have Fight Night or Resisitance Fall of man? Let me know son. So I could whip that ass