If thats the animation style for the gameplay then this game is going to kick ass. I pick Dudley, he has better combos, and if I'm playing he'd win all the time lol.
dude what about bolrohs power he has a huge notch in that department. And he could also rough him up with the shoulder tackle, i'm thinking of this as a boxing match with a touch of street fighter. what do ya think?
Well Balrog was known for one thing and one thing only, his power. Dudley is more of a boxer and I would always choose the boxer over the power brawler. Balrog, according to the series, was a very dirty fighter and seemed to only look for a one punch KO, where as Dudley was a great combo puncher, you can see that with his special moves.
ok i'm gunna play devils advocate. Balrog is a dirty fighter very tysonesk. He would be a super dirty fighter he's also much bigger that duds. he could muscle him around a bit with his shoulder charging.... but dudly is a more finess power second fighter with good power.... i think balrog has a better chin even tho dud has the counter. blarog does have some good combos but they are always head shots. it's tuff because btoh have to be in the same street fighter universe for this to happen..... hrmmmm i do like dud chances tho.... man if SF4 is like that tarailer i would love to see balrog vs duds!! it would look sooooooooooooo cool!