Can jumping rope replace roadwork why or why not ?
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Can interval jump roping replace interval running in boxing ?
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Jump rope will never be a direct replacement for running, it uses completely different muscle groups. That said, you can do intervals with any type of exercise. Jump rope never gets my heart pumping quite like sprinting does. Why can't you run my friend?
I do intervals with a weighted rope but I am mixing other exercises in as well during these sessions. The rope is just one of 4 different exercises I might do during a HIIT workout
Stop looking excuses not to run. Its the greatest tool for conditioning that any fighter has. Run hard and use a route with as many hills as possible.
5km as fast as possible, trying to beat your time always, as many hills as possible along the way. 1-3 times per week
10x100m OR 4x800m OR 8x400m, OR 6x200m. Once per week. Rest between 30-60 seconds depending on fitness and the distance of the sprint.
As a fighter, there is nothing worse than possessing the desire to train, while lacking the resources necessary to apply this motivation. Consider morning roadwork as a classic example. Roadwork has been a staple in the conditioning of combat athletes since the beginning of time. But what happens on those mornings when you are unable to run due to poor weather conditions? What can a fighter do when outdoor roadwork is not an option?
Both exercises are different. Replacing one over another isn't a good idea. You should go for both according to your workout plan.
Just replace it and see what happens in sparring (if you spar that is) there's nothing more motivating than experimenting and realising you made a mistake with your approach, just make sure you're only experimenting with one aspect of your training as to not cause confusion.
With that being said I actually don't think running by itself is directly important. It's the cardio you develop from it which increases your oxygen intake that's most important, also it's good for people cutting weight to jog etc.
Generally though I see it this way myself. The harder and more miserable something feels... the more obvious it is to me I need to concentrate on that area.