Is there are any substitutes for roadwork and can jumping rope be one of them ?
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Can a Boxer get away with not doing any roadwork just by jumping rope for 40 minutes
Ideally you'd want to do both but if there is some condition that will keep you from running then try to do something else. Stationary bike, swimming, rowing are all pretty good. Other exercises will suffice. I had to take a year or so off running because of knee problems but was able to jump rope through this period. Rope is actually lower impact then running because you only need to jump about 1/4 inch off the ground. 40 minutes at rope is good but possibly on the edge of overkill. calves
I think running wind sprints on grass would be a great deal more beneficial than miles and miles of plodding on pavement but it's hard to buck tradition. Roadwork is good for cardio but so is jumping rope and jumping rope, as mentioned isn't as hard on your body.
It totally depends on you. But i think its difficult for reaching that goal without following roadwork. I have to do lot of exercises as advised by my coach. Skipping rope is one of them, I often do it for proper warm up and losing fats.
Originally posted by Sugarj View PostNaseem Hamed and David Haye were not keen on running
David Haye was not keen on long continuous running etc
Some of his sprint workouts are stuff of legend, Adam Booth once had him do a fitness test which consisted of 100 x 100 meter sprints with ether walk back recovery or 30 second recovery 'All of them had to be completed in under 15-14 seconds'. In fact I don't even think this was a fitness test, it was apart of his regime in one of his camps.
David Haye also trained with Dwayne Ladejo a former internal 400 meter sprinter 'I believe for his fight vs Enzo Maccarinelli'.